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Zondag 13 februari 2022 demonstreert Nederland in Verzet op het Malieveld in Den Haag. Wij zijn de leugens (nog steeds) zat! Een mars voor vrijheid met gepaste muziek is waar Nederland in Verzet voor staat. Geen polonaise muziek. Geen snollebollekes.
Dit keer hebben wij besloten er ook een aantal sprekers en live optredens aan toe te voegen.
Zie hier het complete programma:
12.00u Start verzamelen
12.45u Speech Katja de Man
12.50u Speech Sylvie van der Voort
12.55u Speech Tommy Dieckman
13.00u Speech Camillia van den Burg
13.05u Optreden Sing for Freedom
13.10u Speech Michel Reijinga
13.15u Vertrek vanaf Malieveld
15.00u Terugkomst Malieveld
15.30u Speech Martina Groeneveld
15.35u Speech Laurens Lindeman
15.40u Optreden Jordy & Maurice
15.55u Slotwoord Michel Reijinga
16.00u Einde
Nederland in Verzet heeft ook deze dag het Malieveld weer van toiletten voorzien. Ook zal er voor het eerst een Nederland in Verzet merchandise stand aanwezig zijn. Ook aan een koffie-thee-choco stand is gedacht.
Maar het belangrijkste nieuws komt als laatst:
De Utrechtsebaan in Den Haag is afgesloten en dat zorgt voor veel verkeersopstoppingen. Kom op tijd! Het advies is ook om je navigatie te gebruiken die de snelste weg naar het Malieveld weergeeft. Oké, een vertraging, maar opgeven is geen optie!
Weaponized frequencies, Psychic Parasites & Sonic Wave Warfare
Weaponized frequencies -
The electronic grid is weaponized to emit frequencies that can hack the brain and physiology. Weaponized forms include modern electronic devices, electrical substations, telephone poles, transformers, smart meters, and USAF technologies like HAARP. Silicon Valley and the Church of Scientology are involved as well as hackers and groups like Anonymous.
Psychic Parasites -
The Illuminati and Occult are psychic third eye brain intruding parasites. They steal energy from people and mentally terrorize their victims. They work in large groups and target individuals. Their leaders are fallen angels and royal and noble families manage these fallen angels. Angels and fallen angels have affinities with aspects of nature and biology. They are ruthless, murderous, sadistic, lying, false accusing, psychopaths. They invade minds and dictate lies onto people. They all hide behind religion and condemn their innocent victims as sinners. The Illuminati is their false light upward pyramid and the occult is their downward false dark pyramid. Those in the middle operate on both sides and are the most deceptive. They are the Illusionati. The Illuminati consume human blood both spiritually and physically. The Occult consume human flesh both spiritual and physical. That is the forbidden fruit. The Illuminati and Occult are psychic trespassers. They are dead inside and they leave their bodies which they call astral projection and trespass on others to steal energy. They are using technology to enhance their demonic telepathy like Chemtrails, HAARP, and the electronic grid. Their psychic abilities are demonic and satanic. They are not natural. Don't be deceived into thinking they are superior because they are not.
Sonic Wave Warfare -
The air is a like a pond and vibrations are like a stone thrown into the pond creating ripples and effects. Thoughts, the written word, the spoken word, and emotions are the vibrations and ripples in the sea of the atmosphere. Words are like swords or words can even be like medicine. Vibrations are weapons if used correctly. After tears comes the rain, after righteous anger comes thunder, and after joy comes sunshine. These are some of the mysteries of creation. This knowledge expands understanding. Use muscle tension and force with willpower to fight them. This understanding enables power. Having the will to fight is necessary to win against an opponent. The key in spiritual warfare is stability with willpower. Some refer to willpower as faith, confidence, or even the force or chi. Martial artists use the "Kaia" sound as a spiritual technique to enhance their physical attacks and strikes. Loving people who spiritually attack you makes no more sense than loving someone who physically attacks you and threatens your life. You have a right to use self defense. This also correlates with vocal vibrations when combating wicked spirits. A strong vibration can cast wicked spirits into the underworld like a hammer hitting a nail. The Ju in Jujutsu refers to gentle and flexible. The gentle approach is underestimated and is subtle. This enables a person to maneuver and adapt with their enemies attacks and motions. This technique is most useful in written warfare. When you face written opposition the enemy often creates an opening for more attacks through their own words. This is mental Jujutsu. The law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Use muscle tension and force along with a willingness to use spiritual violence. That means if you release energies from you body into the atmosphere they must have an equal and opposite reaction in the atmosphere. This carries over to the theory of sonics and the transmission of mechanical energy. The body is a biomechanical source of energy and vocalized words and emotions are the most powerful forces that the body transmits. Applying understanding and willpower to these natural concepts enhances a persons influences. This is sonic wave warfare.
This is a powerful affirmation that you and your friends and family can say repeatedly to direct your energy towards breaking down the barriers, and opening a pathway to FREEDOM in our reality. Affirmations have been proven to be very powerful when said in the present tense. Everything we think, do and say has an impact because everything is about energy. There is energy in everything, and as our energy rises, change happens. We are seeing it clearly. If you can't make it to Ottawa in person, you can absolutely be there with this energy to surround all those with positive affirmation to be strong and achieve our FREEDOM!!
Here it is...feel free to copy it and share it everywhere, and repeat it as often as you can. This is powerful! This is how you can join the convoy in spirit.
Mr Evil Schwab has done a great job with his faithful disciples. They follow the narrative like parrots!
Whenever you hear the following words run as fast as you can in the opposite direction:
- Build Back Better
- Agenda 2030
- The Great Reset
- Sustainability
- Equity
- Stakeholders
- Gender equality
- Diversity
They have hijacked these terms because they sound nice but the agenda behind them is pure evil.Don’t let them fool you.
They want us all to be equally poor, equally dumbed down, equally ill (if not dead) and equally enslaved. You will be a stakeholder of nothing and I promise you - you won’t be happy.
Bavarian Illuminati
The House of Wittelsbach were Bavarian royalty that still hold their titles today. The family were Holy Roman emperors and were granted the title of King of the Romans by the Papacy. They were also appointed as the first modern monarchs of Greece under the London Conference of 1832. The German word Witte means to shine or white. Many German nobility were formerly Byzantine nobility that migrated to Venice and then later to Germany. The Wittelsbach family are likely related with the Argyros family of the Byzantine Empire. Argos has various meanings including to shine and white. In Greek Mythology Argos was a giant given the epithet Panoptes which means All Seeing. A common symbol used by the Illuminati is the All Seeing Eye just as the House of Wittelsbach ruled during the establishment of the Bavarian Illuminati in 1776. Adam Weishaupt was born in the Electorate of Bavaria and established the Illuminati while under the rule of Prince Maximilian III Joseph of Wittelsbach at the Ingolstadt University also established by the House of Wittelsbach under Duke Louis IX of Wittelsbach.
Adam Weishaupt was educated by Jesuits in Canon law at the University of Ingolstadt before establishing the Bavarian Illuminati. The Jesuits were connected with the term Illuminati in Spain known as the Alumbrados more than two hundred years before the Bavarian Illuminati was created. The Jesuits had been banished in most of Europe and they reestablished themselves at Ingolstadt University. The Bavarian Illuminati was created to infiltrate Freemasonry for the Jesuits which work as an intelligence agency for the Black Nobility. The Bavarian House of Wittelsbach work closely with the royal families of Liechtenstein, Belgium, and Luxembourg which are Roman Catholic and former nobility of the Holy Roman Empire. Prince Joseph Wenzel of Liechtenstein is a Wittelsbach through his mother Princess Sophie. The Wittelsbach family claimed to be persecuted by the Nazis yet they have intermarried with the same noble families that were Nazis. The House of Wittelsbach helped to create the Nazis.
Duke Franz of Bavaria is the current head of the Bavarian House of Wittelsbach and a Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Another member is Prince Max, Duke in Bavaria and his wife is from the Scottish House of Douglas. Prince Max is a Knight of the German Roman Catholic Crusader knighthood called the Teutonic Order which is currently headed up by Grand Master Bruno Platter. Prince Luitpold of Bavaria is another member of this family. The House of Wittelsbach have intermarried with many influential Holy Roman and North Italian nobility as well as the former ruling House of Stuart through Queen Elizabeth Stuart of Bohemia who married Frederick V of the Palatinate-Wittelsbach. The Stuart family formed the Hudson's Bay Company with its subsidiary Saks Fifth Avenue founded by Andrew Saks and Adam Gimbel who was a Bavarian Jew who was really a court factor of the House of Wittelsbach.
The Wittelsbach family have covert shares in Saks Fifth Avenue and Hudson's Bay Company. Richard A. Baker is the Chairman for Hudson's Bay Company and founder of NRDC Equity Partners which owns large amounts of shares in HBC. NRDC Equity Partners also owns Galeria Kaufhof in Cologne, Germany. The House of Wittelsbach were also the Prince-Bishops of Cologne starting with Prince Ernest of Bavaria. Pope Benedict XVI was born in Bavaria. Levi Strauss was from Bavaria and created the clothing line Levi Strauss & Co. Former US National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger was from Bavaria. August Horch was from Bavaria and established the car company Horch out of Cologne, Germany now known as Audi and located in Ingolstadt, Bavaria. These businessmen work for the House of Wittelsbach. Adolf Hitler served in the Bavarian army and the name Halder or its variant Halter were lower Bavarian nobility. Adolf Hitler was likely a descendent of Bavarian Halter nobility and was appointed by the modern Hoftag or Holy Roman princely council.