Weaponized frequencies, Psychic Parasites & Sonic Wave Warfare
Weaponized frequencies -
The electronic grid is weaponized to emit frequencies that can hack the brain and physiology. Weaponized forms include modern electronic devices, electrical substations, telephone poles, transformers, smart meters, and USAF technologies like HAARP. Silicon Valley and the Church of Scientology are involved as well as hackers and groups like Anonymous.
Psychic Parasites -
The Illuminati and Occult are psychic third eye brain intruding parasites. They steal energy from people and mentally terrorize their victims. They work in large groups and target individuals. Their leaders are fallen angels and royal and noble families manage these fallen angels. Angels and fallen angels have affinities with aspects of nature and biology. They are ruthless, murderous, sadistic, lying, false accusing, psychopaths. They invade minds and dictate lies onto people. They all hide behind religion and condemn their innocent victims as sinners. The Illuminati is their false light upward pyramid and the occult is their downward false dark pyramid. Those in the middle operate on both sides and are the most deceptive. They are the Illusionati. The Illuminati consume human blood both spiritually and physically. The Occult consume human flesh both spiritual and physical. That is the forbidden fruit. The Illuminati and Occult are psychic trespassers. They are dead inside and they leave their bodies which they call astral projection and trespass on others to steal energy. They are using technology to enhance their demonic telepathy like Chemtrails, HAARP, and the electronic grid. Their psychic abilities are demonic and satanic. They are not natural. Don't be deceived into thinking they are superior because they are not.
Sonic Wave Warfare -
The air is a like a pond and vibrations are like a stone thrown into the pond creating ripples and effects. Thoughts, the written word, the spoken word, and emotions are the vibrations and ripples in the sea of the atmosphere. Words are like swords or words can even be like medicine. Vibrations are weapons if used correctly. After tears comes the rain, after righteous anger comes thunder, and after joy comes sunshine. These are some of the mysteries of creation. This knowledge expands understanding. Use muscle tension and force with willpower to fight them. This understanding enables power. Having the will to fight is necessary to win against an opponent. The key in spiritual warfare is stability with willpower. Some refer to willpower as faith, confidence, or even the force or chi. Martial artists use the "Kaia" sound as a spiritual technique to enhance their physical attacks and strikes. Loving people who spiritually attack you makes no more sense than loving someone who physically attacks you and threatens your life. You have a right to use self defense. This also correlates with vocal vibrations when combating wicked spirits. A strong vibration can cast wicked spirits into the underworld like a hammer hitting a nail. The Ju in Jujutsu refers to gentle and flexible. The gentle approach is underestimated and is subtle. This enables a person to maneuver and adapt with their enemies attacks and motions. This technique is most useful in written warfare. When you face written opposition the enemy often creates an opening for more attacks through their own words. This is mental Jujutsu. The law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Use muscle tension and force along with a willingness to use spiritual violence. That means if you release energies from you body into the atmosphere they must have an equal and opposite reaction in the atmosphere. This carries over to the theory of sonics and the transmission of mechanical energy. The body is a biomechanical source of energy and vocalized words and emotions are the most powerful forces that the body transmits. Applying understanding and willpower to these natural concepts enhances a persons influences. This is sonic wave warfare.