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3 yrs - Translate

"There has been massive media censorship of the disastrous effects of the shots, deaths and adverse reactions, with a nasty manipulation of news which concentrates entirely on personal stories of the unvaccinated who fell ill and died of covid – but never the truth about the thousands of healthy who died from the shot."

3 yrs - Translate

I never wrote the below post. But the list below are just some of the names (believe me there's many, many more) of Drs and Scientists that are NOT ALLOWED on the mainstream media outlets because THEY ARE CENSORED.
We the people SHOULD be allowed to hear from alternative perspectives on this Pandemic, it's ONLY FAIR. At the moment EVERYTHING that is being told to the General Public regarding this Pandemic is BIASED 😜

if only for your CHILDRENS SAKE
Here's a list of various doctors trying to bring you the truth at great cost to themselves. Search for them on uncensored search engines and platforms such as Duck Duck Go, Telegram, Bitchute, Rumble and Odysee.
There are two Nobel Peace Prize winners and one nominee on this list.
Dr. Michael Yeadon (Former Pfizer VP)
Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA inventor)
Dr. Peter McCullough (most published on CV)
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Nobel PP Nominee)
Dr. Kary Mullis (PCR inventor/Nobel PP winner)
Dr. Rima Laibow
Dr. Naomi Wolf
Dr. David Martin
Dr. Luc Montainger
Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Dr. Judy Mitkovitz
Dr. Carrie Madej
Dr. Vernon Coleman
Dr. Ben Tapper
Dr. Michael Lake
Dr. Christiane Northrop
Dr. Simone Gold
Dr. Sean Brooks
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
Dr. Jane Ruby
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Kevin Stillwagon
Dr. Afzal Niaz
Dr. Rashid A.Buttar
Dr. Paul Thomas
Dr. Vanessa Passov
Dr. Jessica Rose
Dr. Christopher Rake
Dr. Charles Hoffe
Dr. Mark Mcdonald
Dr. Jeff Barke
Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Dr. Manuel Alonso
Dr. Amir Shahar
Dr. Patrick Phillips
Dr. Bryan Ardis
Dr. Franc Zalewski
Dr. Daniel Griffin
Dr. Zandra Botha
Dr. Rochagné Kilian
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler
Dr. Henry Ealy
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
Dr. Michael Palmer
Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD
Dr. Harvey Risch
Dr. Steven Hotze
Dr. Dan Stock
Dr. Sam Duby
Dr. Francis Christian
Dr. Chris Milburn
Dr. John Carpay
Dr. Richard Fleming
Dr. Gina Gold
Dr. Kevin Corbett
Dr. Michael Mcdowell
Dr. John Witcher
Dr. Jim Meehan
Dr. Chris Shaw
Dr. Anne McCloskey
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Dr. Christiana Parks
Dr. Robert Young
Dr. Amandha Vollmer
Dr. Judy Wilyman
Dr. Michael McConville
Dr. Stella Immanuel
Dr. James Nellenschwander
Dr. Julie Ponesse
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
Dr. Paul Cottrell
Dr. Lee Merritt
Dr. Rochagne Killian
Dr. Larry Palevsky
Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo
Dr. Hilde de Smet
Dr. Elizabeth Evans
Dr. Brian Hooker
Dr. Joel Hirschhorn
Dr. R. Zac Cox
Dr. Mohammed Adil
Dr. Ralph ER Sundberg
Dr. Johan Denis
Dr. Daniel Cullum
Dr. Anne Fierlafijin
Dr. Kevin Corbett
Dr. Pior Rubis
Dr. Pascal Sacre
Dr. Nicole Delepine
Dr. Lorraine Day
Dr. Yoav Yehezkelli
Dr. Nour De San
Dr. Kelly Brogan
Dr. Hervé Seligmann
Dr. Annie Bukacek
Dr. Mark Brody
Dr. Steven LaTulippe
Dr. Mark Trozzi
Dr. Scott Jensen
Dr. Byram W. Bridle
Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Dr. Larry Palevsky
Dr. Tom Cowan
Dr. Dan Erickson
Dr. James Todaro
Dr. Joe Lapado
Dr. Richard Bartlett
Dr. Ben Edwards
Dr. Pierre Kory
Dr. Heather Gessling
Dr. Bryan Tyson
Dr. Richard Urso
Dr. John Littell
Dr. Scott Jensen
Dr. Ben Carson
Dr. Peter Schirmacher
Dr. Zandra Botha
Dr. Pamela Popper
Dr. Tom Barnett
Dr. Theresa Long
Dr. Nancy Burks
Dr. Russel Blaylock
Dr. Shiv Chopra
Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Dr. Tori Bark
Dr. Meryl Nass
Dr. Raymond Obamsawin
Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot
Dr. Robert Rowen
Dr. David Ayoub
Dr. Boyd Hailey
Dr. Roby Mitchell
Dr. Ken Stoller
Dr. Mayer Eiesenstien
Dr. Frank Engley
Dr. David Davis
Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych
Dr. Harold Butram
Dr. Kelly Brogan
Dr. RC Tent
Dr. Rebecca Carley
Dr. Andrew Moulden
Dr. Jack Wolfson
Dr. Michael Elice
Dr. Terry Wahls
Dr. Paul Thomas
Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Dr. Richard Moskowitz
Dr. Jane Orient
Dr. Richard Deth
Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic
Dr. Chris Shaw
Dr. Susan McCreadie
Dr. May Ann Block
Dr. David Brownstein
Dr. Jayne Donegan
Dr. Troy Ross
Dr. Phillip Incao
Dr. Robert Mendelson
Dr. Theressa Deisher
Dr. Sam Eggertsen
Dr. Peter Doshi
Dr. Shankara Chetty
Dr. Elizabeth Eads
Dr. Kurt Malhom
Dr. Carolyn Bosack
Dr. Heiko Shoning
Dr. Aseem Malhotra
Dr. Patricia Lee
Dr. Daniel Nagase
Dr. Mobeen Syed
Dr. Bruce Patterson
Dr. Randi Juanta
Dr. Phillip McMillan
Dr. Peter Gotzche
Dr. Kurt Malholm
Dr. Sam Sigoloff
Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Dr. Ariyana Love
Dr. Pierre Gilbert
Dr. Nathan Thompson
Dr. Scott Youngblood
Dr. Peterson Pierre
Dr. Darell Wolfe
Dr. Mary Tally Bowden
Dr. Thomas Ynges
Dr. Guido Hofmann
Dr. Anne Mcclosky
Dr. James Grundvig
Dr. Amanda Vollmer
Dr. Kevin Stillwagon
Dr. Luis Miguel de Benito
Dr. Bruce Boros
Dr. Steven Gundry
Dr. Ray Page
Dr. Tess Lawrie
Dr. Andreas Noack
Dr. Mark Hobart
Dr. Peter Campbell
Dr. Peter Johnston
Dr. Eric Nepute
Dr. Bradley Campbell
Dr. Joseph Yi
Dr Robert Morse ND
Dr Piotr Witczak (biolog)
Dr Jerzy Jaskowski
Dr H.Czerniak
Dr. Anna Martynowska
Prof. Dolores Cahill
Prof. Retsif Levi
Prof. Maria Majewska- neurobiology

3 yrs - Translate

They've created an artificial intelligence God they've named Seth and they want to transhumanize everyone into a meta verse reality where you no longer have a connection to our true Creator.

They have calcified most people's pineal gland and keep attacking everyone chemically through the pesticides and preservatives in food, through the fluoride and chlorine in the water, through the Barium-BA AL-Aluminum the are spraying in the air, and now through the graphene oxide they are injecting into people who have been coerced into taking this experimental gene altering therapy.

Look how many people have been sucked into to the television programming. Look how many people have been successful into the digital world of video games. Look how many people have been sucked into digital world of the internet, where everything you ever wanted could be made artificially with one touch of your finger.

They have dehumanized people through the continued vow of war they have waged on mankind through the monetary banking systems controlled by the Rothschild cartel.

They have controlled people through ALL the phony religions they've created to keep people divided from the true power unity can bring us.

Jesus came here to set people free from the government and ALL religious indoctrination by telling people the Kingdom of Heaven resides within each and every single one of us.

We have the power here but by design they have convinced people we are mere mortals, sinners, and not worthy to be free.

We are now seeing what the power of a unified people can do with the this trucker convoy that is really unifying Canada and many others throughout the world.

There are some who have lost all hope in humanity who believe this convoy was created by the Deep State cabal to help create the food shortages because there was an Illuminati card game card that had an unrelated trucker card on it.

If you haven't been paying attention and don't have a few months of food in your house I suggest you go buy a big bag of rice, some plant based milk, and some cereal, plus other canned food just in case.

Things may get a bit rougher before they get better but the will of the people will perservere against these parasitic psychopaths that wants your soul enslaved or even worse dead.

The United Nations, World Economic Forum, The World Health Organization, The CDC, The FDA, The CIA, The FBI, The RCMP, The Pentagon, and most other alphabet agencies are controlled by these 13 families.

They think of you as their property, their chattle, their sheep, and less than a dog whom they get off on your suffering.

These are true energy vampires that have been feeding off human suffering for hundreds if not thousands of years and they won't stop until they own each soul or are stopped dead in their tracks.

They have created a system through the Vatican where every child born on earth is registered through the birth certificate where you are traded like any other commodity on the stock exchange enslaving your physical body.

The only thing they that they can't control is love and our free will which as you see these last two years they've done everything in their power to take that away from us.

You can think I'm some conspiracy nut case that is out of touch with reality because the spell you are under doesn't let you see that you have been owned since birth.

So I implore you to research everything that I've written here and please show me proof of anything you think that I'm wrong about.

I just woke up from a dream and I saw the resistance battling this artificial intelligence God they created called Seth which inspired me to write this.

We need all of you brave beautiful souls that are no longer asleep and under their spell no stand together in peaceful non compliance now more than ever.

Don't let the ones who enjoy being a slave stop you from regaining your true power that resides within you.

You are a child of God and the time is now for you to manifest the reality you want here.

Don't let the ones who only see doom and gloom stop you from coming together with everyone else just trying to free themselves from this universal tyranny.

We are ALL your brothers and sisters in the truly magical thing we've been blessed to be born in called life and the time is now for us to stop their reign of terror once and for all!!



3 yrs - Translate

We aren’t just fighting the psychopathic “elite” - we are also fighting the narcissistic brain-dead sheeple. It’s an uphill climb. They have weaponized the human race against itself.

3 yrs - Translate

Glenn Beck Interviews Matt Palumbo About George Soros' Secret Network

Glenn Beck Interviews Matt Palumbo About George Soros' Secret Network

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