They've created an artificial intelligence God they've named Seth and they want to transhumanize everyone into a meta verse reality where you no longer have a connection to our true Creator.
They have calcified most people's pineal gland and keep attacking everyone chemically through the pesticides and preservatives in food, through the fluoride and chlorine in the water, through the Barium-BA AL-Aluminum the are spraying in the air, and now through the graphene oxide they are injecting into people who have been coerced into taking this experimental gene altering therapy.
Look how many people have been sucked into to the television programming. Look how many people have been successful into the digital world of video games. Look how many people have been sucked into digital world of the internet, where everything you ever wanted could be made artificially with one touch of your finger.
They have dehumanized people through the continued vow of war they have waged on mankind through the monetary banking systems controlled by the Rothschild cartel.
They have controlled people through ALL the phony religions they've created to keep people divided from the true power unity can bring us.
Jesus came here to set people free from the government and ALL religious indoctrination by telling people the Kingdom of Heaven resides within each and every single one of us.
We have the power here but by design they have convinced people we are mere mortals, sinners, and not worthy to be free.
We are now seeing what the power of a unified people can do with the this trucker convoy that is really unifying Canada and many others throughout the world.
There are some who have lost all hope in humanity who believe this convoy was created by the Deep State cabal to help create the food shortages because there was an Illuminati card game card that had an unrelated trucker card on it.
If you haven't been paying attention and don't have a few months of food in your house I suggest you go buy a big bag of rice, some plant based milk, and some cereal, plus other canned food just in case.
Things may get a bit rougher before they get better but the will of the people will perservere against these parasitic psychopaths that wants your soul enslaved or even worse dead.
The United Nations, World Economic Forum, The World Health Organization, The CDC, The FDA, The CIA, The FBI, The RCMP, The Pentagon, and most other alphabet agencies are controlled by these 13 families.
They think of you as their property, their chattle, their sheep, and less than a dog whom they get off on your suffering.
These are true energy vampires that have been feeding off human suffering for hundreds if not thousands of years and they won't stop until they own each soul or are stopped dead in their tracks.
They have created a system through the Vatican where every child born on earth is registered through the birth certificate where you are traded like any other commodity on the stock exchange enslaving your physical body.
The only thing they that they can't control is love and our free will which as you see these last two years they've done everything in their power to take that away from us.
You can think I'm some conspiracy nut case that is out of touch with reality because the spell you are under doesn't let you see that you have been owned since birth.
So I implore you to research everything that I've written here and please show me proof of anything you think that I'm wrong about.
I just woke up from a dream and I saw the resistance battling this artificial intelligence God they created called Seth which inspired me to write this.
We need all of you brave beautiful souls that are no longer asleep and under their spell no stand together in peaceful non compliance now more than ever.
Don't let the ones who enjoy being a slave stop you from regaining your true power that resides within you.
You are a child of God and the time is now for you to manifest the reality you want here.
Don't let the ones who only see doom and gloom stop you from coming together with everyone else just trying to free themselves from this universal tyranny.
We are ALL your brothers and sisters in the truly magical thing we've been blessed to be born in called life and the time is now for us to stop their reign of terror once and for all!!