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UFC Fighter Bryce Mitchell Calls Out Biden Family Corruption In Ukraine

UFC Fighter Bryce Mitchell Calls Out Biden Family Corruption In Ukraine

UFC #11 Featherweight Bryce Mitchell calls out the Biden family corruption in Ukraine, says stop sending Americans overseas to fight politician's wars, and stop sending taxpayer dollars to foreign cou
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Bevrijding in Donetsk?

Heeft de Westerse media bericht over de terreur die delen van de Oekraïne al acht jaar ten deel valt? En hebben de Westerse politici zich in klare taal uitgesproken over de beschietingen van onder and...
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Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World?

Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World?

Originally uploaded to by AwakenWithJP
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Canadian journalist: this was the moment for Russia to have had enough

After the coup in 2014, right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi groups came to power in Ukraine. Subsequently, the Ukrainian people were oppressed for eight years. The same fate befell critical journalists. That said the Canadian journalist and writer Eva Bartlett on the independent news channel Ickonic.

In addition, the inhabitants of Donbass have been bombed for eight years. They witnessed the crimes in Kiev and later in Odessa, where at least 42 people were burned alive. “This was a deliberate massacre and the Ukrainian authorities have still not launched an investigation,” Bartlett said.

Constantly harassed
The people of Donbass did not want to suffer the same fate and decided to split off. Since then, they have been bombarded incessantly by the Ukrainian army, which also includes neo-Nazi battalions, she said.

“This has been going on for eight years,” Bartlett emphasized. “The West has not condemned the thousands of civilian casualties in Donbass.”

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For Russia, enough is enough, said the journalist. She added that Russia has argued for years for a diplomatic solution. “The country came up with a proposal to denazify Ukraine, but it was thwarted by the United States and Ukraine.”

“The West supports the neo-Nazis in Ukraine,” said Bartlett, who exposed the lies about Syria at a press conference at the UN earlier .

Canadese journalist: dit was voor Rusland het moment dat de maat vol was

Canadese journalist: dit was voor Rusland het moment dat de maat vol was

Rusland heeft jarenlang gepleit voor een diplomatieke oplossing, zegt journalist Eva Bartlett.
3 yrs - Translate

"Great Reset" is the unsuspected sounding international-socialist plan to maneuver the entire world into global communism. In this "new normal" only a few unscrupulous, extremely rich and power-hungry "elites" will then rule, who will suppress the people with the means of fear, scaremongering and intimidation.

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Putin, Zelensky, Biden, Jinping, Ardern, Netanyahu, B.Johnson, Trump, Trudeau and rest of Earth's major politicians are on the SAME TEAM & are pissing away what's left of Human FREEDOM ! 🦅
UN AGENDA 21/2030 👉 N.W.O 🖕🏿

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