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3 yrs - Translate

Hell on earth. Controlled by Satanic bloodlines for 6,000 years.
If the human race does not unite and take back their sovereignty and god given unalienable rights and live the way creation intended, they will be enslaved for another 6,000 years incarnate after incarnate.


3 yrs - Translate

WHO masks US biolabs in Ukraine

Four years ago, independent journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva was expelled from the European Parliament for confronting the US Deputy Secretary of Health. This concerned a conflict over Pentagon-funded biolabs located in 25 countries around the world. At the time she was labeled by the US media as spreading "fake news". Yet here we are.

The U.S. military regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons. Hundreds of thousands of ignorant people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens and other incurable diseases. Biological warfare scientists using diplomatic cover are testing man-made viruses in Pentagon bio-laboratories in 25 different countries. These U.S. biolaboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $2.1 billion military program - Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Ukraine, Georgia, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa.

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva's Research

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva is a Bulgarian investigative journalist and Middle East correspondent. Over the past two years, she has published a series of revealing reports on arms smuggling to terrorists in Syria on 350 diplomatic flights. In the past year she came under pressure from the Bulgarian National Security Agency and after refusing to disclose her sources, she was fired without explanation from the Bulgarian newspaper Trud Daily. Despite this, Dilyana continues her research.

Her research provides an overview of the Pentagon's power in the development of biological weapons. See the video below for her findings and the evidence supporting her claims about the US biolabs.

WHO advises Ukraine to destroy 'health laboratories': erasing evidence?

The World Health Organization came out yesterday with advice to Ukraine to "destroy" highly dangerous pathogens located in the country's public health laboratories in order to prevent "possible escapes" that would spread diseases to the population, Reuters reported.

As part of this advice, the Reuters article states, "Biosecurity experts say Russia's troop movement into Ukraine and the bombing of its cities have increased the risk of escape of disease-causing pathogens, should any of these facilities be damaged.

Cooperation WHO and Ukrainian laboratories

The same Reuters article also states the following:

'Like many other countries, Ukraine has public health laboratories that are studying ways to reduce the threat of dangerous diseases that affect both animals and humans, most recently COVID-19. The laboratories have received support from the United States, the European Union and the WHO.'

In response to questions from Reuters about its work with Ukraine prior to and during the Russian invasion, the WHO said in an email that it has been working with Ukrainian public health laboratories for several years, promoting "safety practices" that help prevent "accidental or deliberate escape of pathogens.

"As part of this work, WHO has strongly recommended that the Ministry of Health in Ukraine and other responsible agencies destroy highly dangerous pathogens to prevent possible 'leaks,'" said WHO, -a United Nations agency.

The above advice appears to be a disguised excuse to erase evidence from U.S. biolabs, which they themselves call "public health laboratories.

Media call U.S. biolabs 'Conspiracy Theory'-then come up with conspiracy theory of their own

A De Telegraaf article has the following headline: 'This is why Russians point to conspiracy over secret biolabs US'. In the introduction to the article we then read that allegations about biological weapons are 'alarming accusations' from Russia and China. This 'out of control conspiracy theory' could be a way for the Russians to justify their own actions, according to the article. As a source for this claim it says: 'say experts' (who?). Next, Wobke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign Affairs, is involved. It says: 'Foreign Minister Hoekstra is also concerned. It is feared that the Russians are looking for an excuse to use chemical or biological weapons themselves, with catastrophic consequences.'

So where American biolabs are dismissed as a conspiracy theory, the Telegraph article itself comes up with its own conspiracy theory: The Russians, according to "experts" would make/deploy chemical weapons themselves. Ironic, then, is the conclusion of this introduction:

WHO maskeert Amerikaanse biolabs in Oekraïne - Café Weltschmerz

WHO maskeert Amerikaanse biolabs in Oekraïne - Café Weltschmerz

Vier jaar geleden werd de onafhankelijke journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva uit het Europees Parlement gezet wegens confrontatie met de Amerikaanse adjunct-secretaris van Volksgezondheid. Dit betrof een conflict over de Pentagon gefinancierde biolabs d
3 yrs - Translate

Obama spearheaded an agreement leading to the construction of biolabs handling “especially dangerous pathogens” in Ukraine.

EXCLUSIVE: Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling 'Especially Dangerous Pathogens'.

EXCLUSIVE: Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling 'Especially Dangerous Pathogens'.

A deleted article reveals that former President Barack Obama spearheaded an agreement that led to the construction of biolabs handling "especially dangerous pathogens" in Ukraine.
3 yrs - Translate

Just wait until WEF madam Ursula's Elite club gets a best thump. I can't wait!

'A blow to the elite': EU bans exports of luxury goods to Russia
The European Union is banning the export of European luxury goods to Russia. This was announced by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. The ban is part of a new set of sanctions that the EU is taking in consultation with international partners in the G7 because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The export ban on European luxury goods is meant to be "a blow to Russia's elite," von der Leyen argues. "The financiers of Putin's war machine must no longer enjoy their lavish lifestyles as bombs fall on innocent people in Ukraine," she said. The finance, interior and justice ministers of the G7 countries will also meet next week to continue the hunt for the elite surrounding Putin.

In addition, the G7 countries are withdrawing Russia's Most Favored Nation status. This will allow tariffs to be levied on a wide range of Russian goods. The G7 also plans to block funding of Russia by international institutions such as the World Bank and IMF.

Finally, the G7 is also taking steps to prevent the circumvention of sanctions through crypto currencies and will ban the import of key goods in the iron and steel sector from Russia. "This will hit a central sector of the Russian system and deny the country billions in export revenue," Von der Leyen argues. Finally, she will also propose a ban on new European investments in the Russian energy sector.

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De Europese Unie verbiedt de export van Europese luxegoederen naar Rusland. Dat heeft Europees Commissievoorzitter Ursula von der Leyen aangekondigd. Het verbod maakt deel uit van een nieuwe reeks sancties die de EU in overleg met de internationale p

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11th March 2022 UK Dorset Skies multiple light sources
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