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3 yrs - Translate - Youtube

Those who have seen a number of videos and images know that the old world had very special technology and the buildings likely produced energy.

Once you know that you see that they want us dependent on their energy. That is why they don’t want us to have nuclear energy. It is too efficient and long lasting

3 yrs - Translate

3 yrs - Translate - Youtube

Think for yourselves.
Question everything.
Review everything, from the 1st day you were schooled.
Ppen your minds.
This video isn't just about the title.

3 yrs - Translate

To be on the road of "truth" simply means to be moving into higher awareness and fuller consciousness. Those of us born to this journey of enlightenment (in light I am meant and originally am), signed up for lives created soully for purpose or are mission based. Because of this, we have been planted everywhere to BE LIGHT Eminations and most importantly, truth energy sources, compassionate attunement, in a sea of chaos, destruction and disillusionment.

It's not an easy life. Masters aren't born to ease. Those who truly are mastering their lives, allowing our energies to be utilized for meaningful purpose, higher giving than most others, without ego, without self-pity, have embarked upon a path of aloneness, perseverance and, oftentimes, great suffering.

There is so much shadow... so many shades of grey misery... so much malevolent chaos and insanity, that our light and our trueness, our abiding perseverance is, without a doubt, vital.

They are the illuminati. Those WORSHIPING the light. Seeking the light that they can never have. The true light. The essential light. That which we emanate from our hearts and our core. So while they have their club called the illuminati, we are the enlighteners. The luminescence along with animals that are natural to us and ultimate truth. They too are luminance and bringer of compassion, grace and loves essence.

I know that this is a lonely road for many. Perseverance and tenacity matter very much especially once you awaken to a level of clear recognition of what is going on here and where we are at. When enough cognitive dissonance has cleared off of your vision so you can really see and begin asking the better and more fluid questions for truths awareness.

Thank you for stepping onto your path in these very difficult times. Let nothing persuade you off of it. Be willing to die on your feet, strong and unwavering but also willing to live, fully, eyes wide open, heart wide open, mind wide open, completing your purpose no matter the suffering you endure.

Rewards will come... after this life. But it shouldn't even matter. What matters is that you lived true and courageously in the face of unspeakable odds.

How glorious is that?

I think it's magnificent.


3 yrs - Translate

So for those that continue to focus their energy on living the best life under these circumstances… must be ok with this being our future!
Oh by the way, as Trudeau and the gang roll out the beginnings of digital ID (that will conveniently hold ALL of your information) just remember, you've surrendered your right to oppose it.
It may not seem like a big deal now. After all, your digital ID won't be used for much initially.
It's a benefit, you know, if you are a small business owner for example. Hooray for digital ID!!
You may not like it much when your credit score is attached to it. Or a record of that drunk driving mistake is etched on your digital ID. (You literally had one beer and blew over).
You may not like it when that assault charge is on there for all to see. (I know, you punched out a guy who grabbed your sisters ass at a lounge, he deserved it, but now the assault is on your ID).
Remember, digital ID is good. Eventually it will tell us how many speeding tickets you have. How many charges for late payments. How many times you played VLTs. How many times you buy weed or alcohol. How many times you watch porno. How many times you attend church. Your internet viewing history.
You name it, the ID will show it.
Phase one is underway.
It may be annoying after a while, continually being denied a job, or loan. Or maybe a yearly penalty is attached to your ID. No tax return for you this year, ID says you were a bad kitty last year.
It may be annoying that the foolish behaviour of a younger you, dogs you for decades.
There may come a point, as more and more personal information is attached to your ID, where you join others and oppose it.
And that's when it hits you. You can't protest it. The groundwork has been laid. The response from government towards the Freedom Convoy was the test.
We now live in a place, where a simple application of "emergency" orders can whitewash the entire justice system. If you actively oppose the digital will be ridiculed. Vilified. Fined. Jailed.
What's that you say? You've lived a squeaky clean life, and you have no vision of any circumstance where a digital ID may be a hindrance on your life?
OK. Go with that for now.
I'll just remind you of this....millions of Canadians were just like you three short years ago. They spent a lifetime as good, law-abiding citizens. Upstanding community members.
When they decided they didn't want interference into their personal medical decisions, look how quickly they were turned into hated criminals. It was almost overnight.
And you helped. You looked the other way as they were vilified. You cheered as their protests were torn down. You applauded government over-reach that jailed them.
Here's to hoping you live your life free of any bad habits or mistakes. Or that government doesn't turn you into a villain overnight for not willingly surrendering some kind of fundamental right you previously had.
Digital ID will expose your demons, no matter how small, everywhere you go.
And when the government changes the rules, oh well. You are trapped, because you sat by and cursed those who stood for freedom of choice, and fought against a total surveillance state.
Oh, and just for the record, the politicians making this up, they won't be surveilled like this. They will be rich for selling you out. They will be the benefactors of your slavery.
Guess I’m just a conspiracy theorist>>>>>>>>>>. 😞
Copied and pasted...


3 yrs - Translate

In case no one has told you yet, we are at war, and have been for thousands of years. Only this war has nothing to do with guns, knives, or material weapons. This war is about information. This war is about the mind. Either you arm yourself with Knowledge and Truth, or you become a slave to this system of deception and lies. — Gavin Nascimento

3 yrs - Translate

With the great reset pushing toward a so-called ‘sustainable future’ offering so many innovative and environmentally ethical sustainability plans such as making all Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles obsolete by 2030, to be replaced by electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles, it seems like we are ‘driving’ towards a better and more sustainable future, but really it’s not about the environment or planetary sustainability at all. This particular phase of their NWO Agenda is actually a push towards a complete ban on private vehicle ownership, to be replaced by Ride Share self driving vehicles which operate like ‘Uber’ in the sense that you simply have to ‘summon’ a self driving vehicle nearest to your location via an App and then leave it for the next user when your journey is complete.

It all sounds great in theory doesn’t it? To have such a good intent driving these honourable and innovative changes to our world makes it difficult to even question them right? Remember the ‘Boris bikes’ in London?.. Great for the environment, they ease congestion, less pollution, they promote a healthy lifestyle etc etc… Well, yes, but I’m afraid it’s simply not about any of those factors at all. It’s psychological programming. Just another of their attempts to slowly condition us to accept these snowballing changes and keep blindly tip toeing compliantly towards their end goal of complete control over humanity.

The core of this entire ‘Great Reset’ agenda is the curtailment of personal freedoms and liberties. Not only will private vehicle ownership end, but also private property ownership, as well as financial autonomy, due to the introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies overlaid by a brutal social credit system unconditionally secured via the merging of our digital physical and biological identities, entrapping our physical bodies in the vice grip clutch of an utterly corrupt, all-powerful, dictatorial, despotic, totalitarian, anti-democratic and entirely autocratic, evil shadow government with ill intent for humanity at the basis of their every move.

Their agenda is large, but their steps are small. A journey of a thousand miles, begins with but one step. Watch the small steps, be careful not to stumble over something behind you. It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see. The farther you look back, the farther you can look ahead. The more of us that open our eyes and see the bigger picture the more hope there will be for humanity and hope is more powerful than fear. 👁Lucan Lycan

