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Homemade Humous >

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Kidney Bean Veggie Burger >

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Meat free Red Lentil Kebabs >

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We are the power and like all empires before, this one is falling, they will do all they can to try and stop that... Every response to this scam-demic is part of their long plan to keep us under the same fear control system of separation and deception but only through your Acquiescence will they have the ability to do so..

Open your eyes, this is the end, things will never go back to how they were and that's a good thing, because that slave system didn't serve us either, we must unite and create a reality free of the lies and realize our true potential, without the filter thats been placed in your Consciousness by those in Govern-ment who have governed you mentally for far too long.

To be free is your birth right, everything we've been told is a lie, We are so much more than we've been programmed to believe. They want a prison planet for your mind and your silence is your consent, your mask is your consent, standing on the lines, following arrows and distancing is your consent, going to "vote" in the pre-selection illusion of choice "election" is your consent, taking a Nano-tech laced injection that manipulates your DNA is your consent.... "it's for your safety" is code for Control.

What future do you choose? Will you be conditioned for their "new normal" or will you break free from the distortion your expected to blindly accept as reality.

⬇️⬇️WAKE UP⬇️⬇️
