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The Ferrari family come from Modena and Ferrara and they are a cadet branch of illegitimate heirs of the Este and Farnese family through the marriage of Princess Maria Caterina Farnese and Prince Francesco I of Este the Duke of Modena and their offspring. The Farnese family use the horse on their coat of arms and the Ferrari car company founded in Modena by Enzo Ferrari uses the horse for its logo. Piero Ferrari is worth over 2 billion and is a part owner of Ferretti Group which produces luxury yachts. The reason the Ferrari family are wealthy is that they have noble ancestry. Royalty and nobility conspire through bloodlines to dominate society and monopolize wealth and resources. The Ferrero family own the Ferrero chocolate and candy company with Maria Franca Fissolo worth about 26 billion and her son and CEO of Ferrero Giovanni Ferrero worth 21 billion. The Ferreros finance Jesuits and Jesuit agents.The names Ferrari, Ferrara, Ferrero, and Farnese have the etymological connection with the Latin word frenum which derives from the Latin word fere which refers to a harness or horse’s reins and to hold. Reign refers to control. Horses are symbols for military equestrians and the Farnese family have many connections with the military and they officially established the Jesuits as a military order. There is a horse on the Hanover coat of arms and the Farnese family also used a horse on their coat of arms. The military is the primary way they enforce their control. I believe the Fer- and Far- families have some lineage with the Pharaoh dynasties. It is likely the Phoenician royalty married with Pharaoh bloodlines especially since Phoenician kings used Egyptian sarcophaguses. The Ferrari family are related with the former Este-Farnese Dukes of Modena and are worth several billion. The Ferragamo family are also wealthy north Italians with a noble ancestry from Venice and Bergamo. The Ferragamo family originally set up in Hollywood providing expensive shoes and boots for actors and movies. The Italian and German nobility covertly monopolize high-end automobiles, jewelry, and fashion.

3 yrs - Translate

Prince Pavlos of Greece is a human trafficking financier and specialist in human trafficking logistics and his wife Princess Marie-Chantal is a cold-blooded child murderer. The Greek royal family has control over Greek shipping merchants which are also human traffickers. The Greek royal family also manage the Masonic Royal Ark Mariners. They manage Greek fraternal orders and have some authority over the World Health Organization which uses a serpent for its logo. They motivate secret societies with human sacrifices. Prince Pavlos oversees secret societies and human trafficking networks. They reward Luciferians and Satanists with human sacrifices for carrying out their agendas. Often times they provide sacrifices to idols in the movie and music industries. Human sacrifices are where they murder someone and then members or individuals of the cult then cannibalize the victim and drink their blood. That is what is really going on in secret societies. These psychos delude themselves into thinking this is normal. They are murderous and like cold-blooded snakes.


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Prince of Hollywood

Count Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo is the top authority in Hollywood through his marriage with the actress Jessica Chastain and he manages cults of Scientologists and Kabbalists. Count Gian Luca is a psychopath that is ruthlessly vain and egotistical and he claims to be the head of the Illuminati and falsely claims he controls the hundreds of members of the Black Nobility. He is not and he is managed by the Lucchesi-Palli family. He is a disgusting monster that is disturbingly obsessed with himself. The Passi de Preposulo family are a Venetian-Lombardy nobility that still headed up by Count Gian's father Count Alberto and his wife Countess Barbara. The family were mediators between the Guelph and Ghibelline factions however they were also architects of this division. The name Passi refers to a pass and their location having control over the road to Switzerland. The control over this region made families like the Passi de Preposulo's extremely wealthy. The Benetton family are from the Passi de Preposulo territory of Treviso, Veneto and worth collectively around 11 billion as the owners of Benetton Group and the holding company Edizione. Luciano Benetton and Giuliana Benetton are the top members of this family and their brothers Gilberto and Carlo died in 2018. Franca Benetton, Alessandro Benetton, Sabrina Benetton, and Christian Benetton are also members of this family and are top executives of their holding company Edizione. Rocco Benetton is another member of this family he has residences in the United States. The Benetton family are Court Factors for the House of Passi de Preposulo. The name Preposulo refers to preparation. Count Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo is overseeing Hollywood and their militant Church of Scientology which is used for gathering intelligence on Americans and for carrying out torturous electronic attacks through the electronic grid and this includes wireless frequencies, modern electronics, smart phones, electrical substations, smart meters, and transformers. They are spraying the skies with nano conductive particles that enhance frequencies designed to hack into the brain and physiology. DARPA and Silicon Valley have weaponized the electronics systems in the United States and use the Church of Scientology to carry out attacks on Americans. The electronic grid is programmed with GENESIS and NEURON brain hacking systems. Count Gian prepares attacks, pay offs, and human trafficking networks. Under his authority countless children have been trafficked into Hollywood and sacrificed by sadists. Count Gian Luca Passi di Preposulo is a mass murderer and psychotic zealot that needs to be executed.

Many major Hollywood actors are initiated into various secret societies. Their initiations include blood drinking, pedophilia, human sacrifice, and other criminal activities. It is through these initiations they are allowed to get movie roles and become wealthy. Hollywood is a satanic cult and most of its members are criminals and the greatest crime they are committing is human trafficking and human sacrifice. Their invested interest in targeting Americans who speak out against corruption is them not wanting to go to prison. Another top authority in Hollywood is the adopted German Prince Frederic von Anhalt who lives in Bel Air. Count Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo is the highest authority in the Hollywood cult and works with the wealthy Ferragamo family of Italy who are also nobility of Lombardy. They opened a store in Hollywood in the early 20th century. The Ferragamo family name gamo derives from Ber-gamo. Gamo means marriage. The family specializes in arranging marriages like with Count Gian Passi de Preposulo and Jessica Chastain. Jessica Chastain is the Illuminati's Vicar of Charis and a high level member of the Cult of Venus. Venice is named after Venus. Prince Francesco Ruspoli of Rome is married to Angelica Visconti-Ferragamo whose grandfather was Salvatore Ferragamo and she is also from the Visconti noble family of Milan which use a serpent eating a child on their coat of arms. Count Preposulo specializes in preparing attacks on people who are speaking out through their intelligence network and connection with members of the Church of Scientology like the actors Will Smith and George Clooney who he is friends with. George Clooney was married in Venice and works under Venetian nobles including the Passi de Preposulo family as the ceremonial leader of Hollywood. Will Smith is an extremely torturous sadist that uses electronic weapons to attack people. Will Smith and his sadistic wife Jada Pinkett Smith are both Scientologists and even financed a school for Scientology. The Smiths are also involved in transsexualism and dress their son up as a girl. Will Smith also forcibly kissed his son on the mouth on television on three different occasions and this shows his rapist mentality. Will Smith is extremely evil. The Smiths are close friends with Count Gian Luca and Jessica Chastain. Count Gian finances satanic women that purchase and seduce small trafficked boys, molest them, strangle them to death, and then cannibalize them. Jessica Chastain rapes, murders, and cannibalizes children. This is what many evil women in Hollywood are doing and these child murdering women claim "eating children is normal." What is normal is executing child murderers. That is normal. Jessica Chastain also burns children alive. Prince Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo deserves to be burned alive and needs to be killed as soon as possible. Count Gian is the biggest child trafficker and murderer in Hollywood. Hollywood is dangerous religious cult made up of wealthy Satanists and Luciferians who are weaponized and fear their imprisonment if the government corruption loses its power.

Count Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo and his snakish wife Jessica Chastain and they both need to be executed immediately. They are the biggest child murderers on the planet and are obsessed with turning genitals into dung. They are stinking dung worshipers. Count Gian is a propped up idiot managed by the House of Savoy and the Black Nobility. Count Gian is a child murderer that rapes, murders, and cannibalizes little boys and girls. Jessica Chastain and Count Gian are major child murderers and they are extremel narcissistic, vain, and insolent. Count Gian Luca finances and commands child trafficking networks into Hollywood. Hollywood has child trafficking networks from Mexico through the Tijuana Cartel into California and Asian gangs like the Triads and Yakuza trafficking children through the ports into Hollywood. The Armenian Mafia and Russian Mafia provide a defense for Hollywood. Jessica Chastain is their Vicar of Charis a name of a Greek entity associated with grace. The Charites were closely connected with Aphrodite or Venus. Count Gian is a noble of Venice and Veneto named after Venus.

3 yrs - Translate

Foods Containing
Dead Fetal Cells
Every time we eat any of the food sources listed below (and any time we eat the flesh and blood
of another sentient being), we are participating in a satanic ritual. It’s time to say ‘no’ by never
purchasing products made with dead babies again. The following products are manufactured using aborted fetal cells:

– All Pepsi soft drinks
– Sierra Mist soft drinks
– Mountain Dew soft drinks
– Mug root beer and other soft drinks
– No Fear beverages
– Ocean Spray beverages
– Seattle’s Best Coffee
– Tazo beverages
– AMP Energy beverages
– Aquafina water
– Aquafina flavored beverages
– DoubleShot energy beverages
– Frappuccino beverages
– Lipton tea and other beverages
– Propel beverages
– SoBe beverages
– Gatorade beverages
– Fiesta Miranda beverages
– Tropicana juices and beverages

– All coffee creamers
– Maggi Brand instant soups, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasoning, instant noodles

– Black Jack chewing gum
– Bubbaloo bubble gum
– Bubblicious bubble gum
– Chiclets
– Clorets
– Dentyne
– Freshen Up Gum
– Sour Cherry Gum (Limited)
– Sour Apple Gum (Limited)
– Stride
– Trident

– Sour Cherry Blasters
– Fruit Mania
– Bassett’s Liquorice All sorts
– Maynards Wine Gum
– Swedish Fish
– Swedish Berries
– Juicy Squirts
– Original Gummies
– Fuzzy Peach
– Sour Chillers
– Sour Patch Kids
– Mini Fruit Gums
– Certs breath mints
– Halls Cough Drops

Neocutis uses aborted male baby cells after a 14 week gestation period in their anti-wrinkle
creams. The following creams they sell contain aborted fetal cells, but we need to boycott all
their products.
-Bio-Gel Prevedem Journee
-Bio-Serum Lumiere
-Bio Restorative Skin Cream

-MMR II (Merck)
-ProQuad (MMR + Chickenpox — Merck)
-Varivax (Chickenpox — Merck)
-Pentacel (Polio + DTaP + HiB — Sanofi Pasteur)
-Vaqta (Hepatitis-A — Merck)
-Havrix (Hepatitis-A — Glaxo SmithKline)
-Twinrix (Hepatitis-A and B combo — Glaxo)
-Zostavax (Shingles — Merck)
-Imovax (Rabies — Sanofi Pasteur)

-Pulmozyme (Cystic Fibrosis — Genetech)
-Enbrel (Rheumatoid Arthritis — Amgen)

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3 yrs

3 yrs

Mars Crime Corporation

The Mars family are worth over 70 billion and are a top criminal bloodline in the United States and they own one of the largest candy companies in the world. They are one of the most evil families in the US. They are leaders of the Cult of Mars which is a murderous militant cult. John Franklyn Mars was knighted by the House of Windsor and serves the British Crown. Queen Elizabeth II visisted the Mars candy factory. Prince Harry is a top member of the Cult of Mars. They add slow acting poisons and chemicals into their candy as a form of chemical warfare on society also known as alchemy. Artificial flavors and colors can cause diseases. They oppress humanity so that it is easier to control society. They use their large amount of wealth to conceal criminal transactions used for funding Nazi style persecution carried out by secret societies. The modernized concept of Halloween and Trick-or-treating was established in 1911 the same year that Mars candy company was established. The Mars family were the Candia family of Venice which ruled the Kingdom of Candia located on the island of Crete during the height of the Venetian Republic. Kydonia was a state during the Kingdom of Candia and is the name of a region on the planet Mars. The Venetians were merchants involved with the sugar trade. An Italian word for candy is candito. The ancient mystery schools covertly taught witchcraft and alchemy and these schools were maintained on the islands of Crete, Malta, and Rhodes. The Candia family served the House of Savoy and governed territories for them. Stephen Badger's mother is Jaqueline Mars.

The Thurn und Taxis family originated in northern Italy and their name Taxis is from Tasso in Italian or Taxus in Latin which means badger.The Badger family are relatives of the Taxis/Tasso family and anglicized their name. Prince Carlo Alessandro della Torre and Tasso the 3rd Duke of Castel Duino and his children Prince Dimitri, Prince Maximilian, and Princess Constanza are Italian members of this family today and they reside in Trieste not far from Venice. Prince Albert the 12th Prince of Thurn and Taxis is a billionaire and German member of the Taxis-Tasso-Badger family. Other members of the Thurn and Taxis family include Prince Max Emanuel of Thurn and Taxis, the extremely evil witch Princess Gloria of Thurn and Taxis and her wicked daughters Princess Maria Theresia of Thurn and Taxis and Princess Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis. The German Flick family of billionaires are related to the Thurn and Taxis family. of Prince Fritz of Thurn and Taxis is another member and a member of the Austrian media. The Mars family still work with the Savoy family today and are involved with Swiss money laundering and criminally financing groups like Freemasons and Knights of Columbus which are involved in gang stalking and persecution. The Mars family finance the Knights of Columbus, Aryan Brotherhood, Hells Angels, and Kabbalah Society. Members of the Mars crime family include John Franklyn Mars, Victoria Mars, Jacqueline Mars, Michael John Mars, Marijke Elizabeth Mars, Valerie Mars, Pamela Mars-Wright, and the very sadistic Stephen Badger. The Mars, Torre and Tasso, and Thurn and Taxis families are totally ruthless and destructive. The Mars family has a high authority like royalty inside the United States. Mars was the Roman deity of war.

Stephen Badger is a sadistic child murderer and an alchemical tormentor that thinks he is a super villain. Stephen Badger is a child molester and child murderer. This devil needs to be killed.

Thurn and Taxis coat of arms with a badger. Jaqueline Mars married David Badger. The Mars family are descendants of the north Italian House of Candia and the Badger family are descendants of the north Italian Torre and Tasso family which created the German branch called Thurn and Taxis.

Jaqueline Mars is worth about 26 billion. She is a high level authority in the United States and she finances gang stalking and child sacrifices to satanic cults. She is extremely evil and she murders and tortures children.
John Franklyn Mars being knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. The Mars family work for the House of Windsor, House of Savoy, and Massimo family of Rome. John Mars is worth about 28 billion.

Queen Elizabeth II at the Mars candy factory. The Mars family working with the European royals created modern Halloween.

Prince Harry is a top leader of the Cult of Mars or Cult of Ares. Mars was the Roman deity of war. Aryans are really named after Ares and mean the Children of Ares. Aryans generally have red hair. Prince Harry runs a massive online gang stalking cult which is organized through Reddit and he also manages the Aryan Brotherhood, Irish Mafia, Hell Fire Club, and the Hellbanianz.

Action Bronson whose birth name is Ariyan Arslani is an Albanian-Jewish-Muslim rapper and a covert boss of the Hellbanianz and Albanian Boys in the United States and he works under Prince Harry. Action Bronson is a militant tormentor. The Hellbanianz are headquartered in London and have factions in the United States and Action Bronson is a top member. Action Bronson was named Ariyan because of his red hair. Ariyan Arslani is their representative of Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras. Tuesday is named after Tiw a Norse deity equated with Mars.
