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3 yrs - Translate

NASA Lunar Lander Vs. Camper

3 yrs - Translate

If you Innerstand what's going on and didn't take the "medicine", you have survived the greatest psychological warfare in human history. Do you realize how much time, resources, money, and effort they put into this? They have tried to manipulate, brainwash and force you. They have been trying to scare you. Attempted to make you feel guilty. They tried to bribe you with gifts. They tried to confuse you, to question your reality, and also your sanity. They tried to make you abandon your principles, your morals, and your values, and your faith. They even managed to turn your loved ones and friends against you. Almost everyone fell for it, but not you. You never gave up on yourself. You stood up for yourself against all odds and persevered.
Stay that way my friends.
The battle continues…
Stay strong!

3 yrs - Translate

There she stands on her island in New York Harbor holding her torch of freedom; Americans believe she is the symbol of their liberty in the Land of the Free. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Statue of Liberty was given to America by French Freemasons, her mirror image stands on an island in the River Seine in Paris. These two statues are representations of Queen Semiramis, with the rays of the Sun around her head. Placing a crown of rays about the head was a way of showing sun worship. She is not holding the torch of liberty, but the torch of the illuminated ones, the ruling Elite. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol which says: 'We control you and we are telling you so, but you are too stupid to see it'!

Ancient cultures had a habit of changing a 'goddesses' name when they adopted her into their own culture. Some of the names and titles that this 'Queen' is known under are the following: Isis (Egyptian) , Mother of God, Oaster (Easter Eastern-Star), Ishtar(Babylonian), Astarte (syrian), Cybele (Roman), Ashtoreth (Isreal), Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, Venus, Goddess of Hunting and Childbirth, Artemis, Diana (Ephesus), Helena (Greek), Goddess of Crafts, War and Wisdom, Athena, Minerva, Lady of the Towers, Goddess of Growing Things, Demeter, The Holy Ghost, The Supreme Dove (Sumerian), Ceres, Gaea, Terra, Protector of Marriage and Women, the Sister and Wife of Zeus in Greece, the Wife of Jupiter in Rome, Hera, Juno, Goddess of the Hearth, Hestia, Vesta, Wife and Sister of Kronos, Sammurant (Assyrian), Rhea, Queen of Tara, Ish-Tara, the Indian deity, Sami-Rama-isi or Semi-Rama (Vedic) and Mother Mary(Rome)

3 yrs - Translate

The Massimo family are the most dominant bloodline of the Black Nobility and they are the leaders of the New World Order agenda and their goal is total enslavement. The Massimos own dozens of mafias and oversee Kabbalah and the Hell Fire Club. Don Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is the top owner of the Vatican and the top owner of the Sicilian Mafia and Italian-American Mafia. Nearly every mafia whether its the Russian Mafia, Irish Mafia, Serbian Mafia, Albanian Mafia, or Mexican drug cartels pay tributes to the Massimos. The Massimo family frequently take the name Leone which means lion. The Massimos use violence, threats, terrorism, extortion, and blackmail as their primary tools for control. The Massimo family are married with royal bloodlines like the Savoy, Wettin, Bourbon, and Osorio noble family which have a family branch in Galicia, Spain.The Massimos are the foundations of the global crime syndicate and they are involved in every crime imaginable including war crimes, terrorism, murder, extortion, threats, human trafficking, money laundering and more. Members of the Massimo crime family include Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio, Donna Alessandra Malesci, Princess Barbara Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Giacomo Leone Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Carlo Massimo, Prince Francesco Massimo, Prince Stefano Massimo of Roccasecca, Prince Valerio Massimo of Roccasecca (Foxwell) and his wife Princess Alexandra Massimo, Prince Cesare Massimo of Roccasecca, Prince Tancredi Massimo of Roccasecca, Prince Ferdinando Massimo, Prince Ascanio Massimo, Princess Lavinia Massimo, Prince Lucovico Massimo-Lancellotti, Prince Ascanio Massimo-Lancellotti, and Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti. Prince Giacomo Massimo-Brancaccio's actual and unnamed father is another high level and well guarded member of this wicked family and possibly living in France, French Polynesia, and or in Belgium. His name might be Fabrizio. There may be two Fabrizio Massimos. The Massimo family are the greatest source of wickedness on Earth.

Prince Fabrizio thinks he is equal to the creator. Fabrizio means Fabricator and Massimo means Greatest. Prince Fabrizio Massimo is the Greatest Fabricator of Lies and Evil. If there is a devil on the Earth then it is Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio.

3 yrs - Translate

These families are all enemies of humanity and they are plotting to enslave the world.

Lucchesi-Palli of Campofranco,Boncompagni-Ludovisi,Gaetani-D'Aragona-Lovatelli,Gaetani-Dell'Aquilla-D'Aragona,Borromeo, Massimo-Brancaccio,Massimo-Lancellotti,Massa of Sorrento,Massa and Giustiniani,Venezze of Giustiniani-Venice, Giustiniani of Sardi, Contini Bonacossi,Passi de Preposulo,Galli-Zugaro, Imperiali, Aldobrandini,Brandolini di Adda,Cerretani-Bandinelli-Paparoni,Sforza-Cesarini, Theodoli-Braschi, Giovanelli Marconi, Torlonia, Paulucci de Calboli,Visconti,Paradisi, Pierleoni,Pallavicini, Rospigliosi,Odescalchi, Princess Clotilde of Savoy and Princess of Venice,Savoy, Genoa, Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga,Aosta, Brivio,Sforza,Ruspoli, Pacelli, Doria-Pamphilj,Colonna di Stigliano,Colonna di Paliano,Barberini,di Sciarra,Orsini, Strozzi,Gonzaga,Corsini, Tornaquinci, Foscari,Medici, Borghese, Sacchetti, Lanza di Scalea, Agusta,Adragna,Bourbon-Two Sicilies,Parma,Chigi-Albani, Capponi, Serlupi d'Ongran,Crescenzi, Ottoboni,Pescolanciano, Grimaldi, Bourbon families, Windsor, Spencer, Cecil, Percy, Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Habsburg, Bonaparte, Orleans, Bernadotte, Lagergren, Glucksburg, Hanover, Furstenberg, Austria-Este, Hohenberg, Hesse, Nassau-Weilberg, Habsburg-Lorraine, Saxe Coburg and Gotha, Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Saxe-Meiningen, Braganza, Orange-Nassau, Hohenzollern, Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Liechtenstein, Rothschild, FitzJames, Lobkowicz, Ligne, Merode, Romanov, Thurn and Taxis, Schwarzenberg, Orisin-Rosenberg, Windisch-Graetz, Esterhazy,Walton, Dreyfus, Pritzker, Guggenheim, Sackler, Lauder, Durst, Tisch, Cohen, Arison, Ofer, Oppenheimer, Wertheimer, Goldsmith, Montagu, Sassoon, and Warburg families.

3 yrs - Translate



The violence on January 2 was the last straw for many people in the Netherlands. This has nothing to do with health anymore but with AGENDA 2030.

We are at war with some globalists who want to turn Europe into One Big Control State. China 2.0

A number of people at the Governments in Europe are involved in this. But also outside Europe there are corrupt politicians active in some countries.

M.Rutte YOU KNOW!!!


Our Government has contracts with this private institution WEF. Possibly now you understand better what is happening.



Ook Amerika besteedde aandacht aan de misdaden gepleegd door onze overheid. Op een aantal stations werden de geweldsdelicten van politie uitgezonden. Nadat een aantal agenten al kinderporno en sex met dieren deelden in een whatsApp groep blijkt d…