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Turn Around 😆


2 yrs - Translate

There is no best option in Govern-Ment, the word literally means "to control the mind" and pre-selection is rampant. They just play a little "voting" game every few years, once the current puppet has pissed off enough people and they are begging for another face for them to "choose" to be their new "ruler". A face which is always conveniently placed there, saying just what the short term memory masses want to hear; rinse and repeat.

The problems we are facing today go far beyond what any political moron is doing or what people think they are doing, they are just there to distract from the cult that runs the entire world behind the scenes. Mass Non compliance is our way out, realizing that their power exists only with our consent. All sides of Govern-Ment have been controlled for centuries and they are terrified for the day we realize this and stop acquiescing to their endless deadly games of deception. It is the collective cult like belief in the authority of Govern-Ment that "Must Go!"


