Black Ops 6 Zombies: Liberty Falls Main Quest Guide – The Industrial Complex and Unlocking New Powers

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Welcome back to our Black Ops 6 Zombies: Liberty Falls guide! In our previous post, we covered the basics of starting the main questline and unlocking the church in Liberty Falls. Now, it's time to dive deeper into the Industrial Complex, the next critical area in your journey to uncover the  COD BO6 Gift CP truth behind the zombie outbreak.

In this post, we will focus on how to survive the Industrial Complex, uncover essential items, and unlock new powers that will aid you in your quest. Expect challenging puzzles, powerful enemies, and secrets hidden deep within the industrial wasteland. Let's jump right in!

Step 4: Entering the Industrial Complex

The Industrial Complex lies on the outskirts of Liberty Falls, hidden behind a large iron gate that was once a symbol of the town’s thriving industry. Now, the complex is a haunting, dilapidated factory filled with hazardous machinery and dangerous undead.

As you approach the entrance, be cautious of Exploder Zombies, a new type of enemy introduced in this area. These zombies are slow but pack a punch. When they get too close, they will explode, releasing toxic fumes that deal heavy damage to you and any players nearby. Keep your distance and aim for the head to take them down before they get too close.

Step 5: Surviving the Industrial Maze

The Industrial Complex is designed to be a maze, with multiple levels, narrow corridors, and large open areas. Your primary goal is to navigate through the complex to reach the Laboratory at the heart of the facility.

  • Tip 1: Unlocking Doors and Key Areas
    Many of the doors inside the complex are locked, and you'll need to find keycards or special tools to open them. These are typically dropped by Elite Zombies, which are stronger and appear in small groups. Make sure to stock up on ammo and health packs, as the intensity of combat increases.

  • Tip 2: Handling the Pressure
    Throughout the maze, you'll encounter Pressure Plates that trigger zombie spawns or activate deadly traps. These traps can be tricky, but if you time your movement correctly, you can use them to your advantage. Lure zombies into the traps to wipe out large groups and make your journey easier.

  • Tip 3: Finding the Keycards
    As you make your way through the Industrial Complex, look for Keycards that can be used to open locked rooms. The keycards are hidden in several areas, so keep an eye out for supply rooms or hidden alcoves where they might be tucked away.

Once you’ve unlocked the necessary doors, you’ll find yourself in a large Control Room. In this room, you can activate a series of switches to power up the Elevators that will take you to the laboratory. However, before you can use them, you must deal with a new wave of zombies, including Spitters, which will attempt to poison your entire team. Be quick on your feet and eliminate these zombies before they can get too close.

Step 6: Discovering the Laboratory

The heart of the Industrial Complex is the hidden Laboratory, where the outbreak began. Inside, you’ll find the Experiment Log that provides key details about the government project that led to the zombie infection. To access the Laboratory, you’ll need to find a Security Override that’s located in a small, guarded room near the elevator shaft. This override will allow you to bypass security systems and unlock the lab’s door.

Once you enter the lab, you’ll find Dr. Merton’s Diary, a collection of notes detailing the disastrous experiment and its results. Dr. Merton, the head scientist, was experimenting with a virus to enhance human abilities, but the virus mutated, turning subjects into zombies. As you read the diary, you’ll unlock critical information about the Ancient Relic you previously collected and its connection to the virus.

Step 7: Unlocking New Powers

Now that you’ve gained access to the Laboratory, it’s time to unlock Special Powers that will help you survive in the later stages of the quest. Inside the lab, you’ll find a Gene Therapy Machine that allows you to unlock powerful abilities.

  • Ability 1: Toxic Immunity
    The first ability you can unlock is Toxic Immunity, which makes you immune to the poison damage dealt by Spitters and other toxic zombie variants. This power will be extremely useful as you progress through the Industrial Complex and other areas filled with environmental hazards.

  • Ability 2: Enhanced Speed
    Unlocking the Speed Enhancement ability gives you increased movement speed for a limited time. This ability will be vital in the later stages of the quest when the zombies are faster, and evading them becomes essential.

  • Ability 3: Zombie Senses
    The third power you can unlock is Zombie Senses, which enhances your ability to detect hidden enemies and secret rooms within the map. This power is a game-changer for exploration, as it will highlight key areas and objectives on your map.

To unlock these powers, you will need to complete a series of challenges in the lab. These challenges typically involve solving puzzles, such as matching the correct chemical compounds or rearranging biohazard symbols. Successfully completing these challenges will grant you access to one of the abilities.

Step 8: Surviving the Final Lab Defenses

As you prepare to leave the lab with your new powers, the Experiment Gone Wrong boss fight will trigger. The boss, known as the Mutated Prototype, is a hulking, zombie-like creature created from the failed experiments. It has devastating attacks and can spawn smaller zombies to fight alongside it.

  • Tip 1: Use the Environment
    During the fight, take advantage of the lab's environment. There are multiple Explosive Containers scattered throughout the room that you can shoot to cause massive damage to the Mutated Prototype.

  • Tip 2: Focus on Weak Points
    The Mutated Prototype has weak spots on its back and head. Aim for these areas to deal the most damage. Use your new Enhanced Speed ability to dodge its attacks while keeping your distance.

Once you defeat the Mutated Prototype, you will unlock the Key to the Underground Tunnel, which leads to the final area of the quest—the Town Hall. But before you leave, be sure to stock up on  buy COD BO6 CP resources, as the next area will present even greater challenges.
