Anulom Vilom For asthma is the reason that the oxygen of the patient is decreasing due to his illness, but for those who are fine, their oxygen is increasing due to anxiety, overthinking. If you are also facing such problems, then you can keep yourself fine by doing Anulom Antonym. And the level of oxygen in your body will also be fine. Join the Online yoga classes Canada for best in your career and health.
What is Anulom-Vilom?
According to yoga experts saide Anulom Vilom is a type of Pranayama. In which we do alternate nostril breathing. This is a compound technique. Through which we control our life force.
How to do Anulom Vilom.
- Sit on the mat in Sukhasana.
- Straighten the waist and neck.
- Leave the shoulders loose.
- Take five long deep breaths and release.
- In this way prepare your body for Anulom Vilom Pranayama.
How to do Anulom Vilom Pranayama:
- Raise your right hand and close the right nostril with your thumb, then take a long deep breath through the left nostril and release it completely.
- After that, you are ready to do Anulom Vilom. Do not make any movements in the body.
- Now inhale through the inverted nose and exhale through the straight nose. Then inhale directly through the nose and exhale through the opposite nostril.
- You have to repeat this process 20 to 25 times.
Keep these things in mind while doing Anulom Vilom:
- The breathing pattern will remain calm while doing this pranayama.
- Do not do aggressive breathing.
- Gently place both your hands on both your knees and make a Gyan Mudra. In this, place your index finger on your knees.
- Fill and release 5 to 10 long deep breaths again.
- If you have back pain or are unable to sit, then you can sit with the support of a wall. And if you have problems with your knees, you can do it by sitting on a chair.
- You can do this pranayama both in the morning and in the evening.
Benefits of Anulom Antonym in Corona period:-
1. Beneficial in respiratory diseases
People who have respiratory disorders, such as asthma, cure bronchitis. helpful to them. In Anulom Vilom, long deep breaths are inhaled. That breath is oxygenated. When it enters our lungs, pressure builds up there, accompanied by the gaseous exchange. In which our lungs convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. And removes carbon dioxide (CO2). In this, our lungs constantly expand and shrink, due to which we cure all the problems related to the respiratory system.
2. Breathlessness
Anulom vilom exercises the lungs. Due to which the problem of shortness of breath goes away. Clears the blockage in our throat pipe, due to which we are able to breathe properly. People who are short of breath due to anxiety should do Anulom Vilom by opening their eyes. Anulom Vilom is Nadi Purifier Pranayama.
3. Depression
When the oxygen level in our body increases, happy hormones are released in our body, due to which we feel relaxed and free from anxiety. Your mind becomes calm and you feel positive. This is the reason why you will be able to deal with depression.
4. High blood pressure
In blood pressure, our veins constrict, due to which our breathing starts fast and we do not breathe well. But if you do Anulom Vilom, it will remove the blockage trapped in the veins and relax our nerves. This will help in managing BP.
5. Migraine
Anulom Vilom increases the oxygen in our brain area and increases the blood effect, due to which we get relief from migraine pain.
6. Reduce Headache
In migraine, there is a pain in one part of our head, and in the case of headaches, there is a pain in the whole head. And by doing Anulom Vilom, the blood circulation in the body is fine, which gives relief from headaches.
7. Chest Tightness
By doing Anulom Vilom, the chest expands and contracts, due to which there is a stretch in the muscles of the chest, due to which it becomes strong. It also strengthens by increasing blood circulation in the chest area.
8. Strengthen the lungs
Oxygen goes to our lungs through breathing, due to which oxygen reaches the lungs properly, due to which the lungs are strengthened and they are able to deliver oxygen to the body properly.
9. Increases self-focus and control
When we do Anulom Vilom, then our thinking process slows down. The heartbeat slows down, due to which our thinking process slows down and our mind becomes calm. If our mind is calm then we will not have anxiety. When you don't have anxiety, you feel positive.
10. Heals the senses
Anulom vilom transmits Pranavayu to our senses. Due to which our sense organs remain healthy.
11. Strengthen heart muscle
By doing Anulom Vilom, our lungs, as well as our chest area, are also exercised, as well as doing Anulom Vilom slows down our heartbeat, due to which our heart and heart muscles get relaxed. Due to which the heart is able to do its work smoothly.
Anulom Vilom is such pranayama which is currently a panacea for corona patients. They can do this pranayama anytime. Anulom Vilom can be done even when there is anxiety, tension, fear, or nervousness. There are many benefits of doing this in the Corona period.