Surrey computer repair

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Call Surrey Computer Repair and Data Recovery Professionals

We provide Surrey Computer Repair Services for home and business IT services in the Lower Mainland. Furthermore, We’re based in Surrey and service areas like Surrey, White Rock, Langley, Richmond, Vancouver, Cloverdale, Newton and Delta. We’re apart of the PC Plus Computing Group of IT professionals and have only qualified people working for us. All our work is guaranteed.

Surrey Computer Repair | Services | PC Plus Computing

  1. Complete Business IT Solutions
  2. Window servers, web server, mail server and Linux Servers
  3. Complete Website solution for your business
  4. Web design, website hosting
  5. Mobile website with responsive websites
  6. SEO Services
  7. Computer Maintenance for your business and home computers
  8. Virus and malware removal
  9. Remote support
  10. Security system for your home and business
  11. Complete Networking solutions for your home and business needs
  12. We can offer advice on the best hardware and software for you and your business.
  13. We can set it all up and guide you on how to use it.
  14. Repair and maintain your PC or Mac.
  15. Fix blue screen errors.
  16. Backup and NAS solution’s for your home and business

Call Surrey Computer Repair and Data Recovery Professionals


Phone 604-760-1662


