The Secret North Hyperborea

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The secret lands they call "The Arctic" is in truth Hyperborea. A giant magnetic mountain at our north pole called by many names: Mount Meru, Mount Zion, Black Rock, Rupes Nigrea.

The Secret North - Moutain of God Hyperborea

There's no shame in it, we have all been under the spell, we were all born in to false knowledge so didn't stop to question it as with many other things we have been deceived over. They have used TV delivered frequency to "program us" then toxins to dope us down in our foods and water and most everything we like to have then sprayed chemtrails in to the air we breath. Its been a powerful spell used against us all but we break free of it now and begin our journeys toward truth. The great news is the truth is more magical more incredible than we could ever have dreamt each point I now mention is a huge subject best researched, the truth is in the detail as they say. In a nutshell, the earth is flat non moving has a firmament, the sun and moon are both local in our atmosphere beneath our firmament the mainstream refer to the firmament as "van Alan's belt" and give the impression of it being at distance where as its the dome above our heads. Our known lands are surrounded by an ice wall aka the Antarctic circle. This forms our container and the firmament comes down upon that circle of ice, the firmament is super cold frozen air the scientists studying it call it sky ice. So therefore NASA and all space agencies are fraudulent and nothing more than cash cow slush funds, hence the fake moon landing why all NASAs images are computer generated.  NASA's rocket launches go in an arc because they drop down inside the Bermuda triangle for later recovery. 

The true outer space is the space outside the Antarctic ice wall, outside there are more lands and then beyond them another ice wall before going out to eventually more worlds, each with their own firmament. The earths true name is "Terra Infinita" aka infinite lands. These outside lands are known as the extra territories and where real extra terrestrials come from is the real "outer space". There are many other worlds beyond our dome and Antarctica. The Antarctic treaty where ALL countries collaborate even in times of war to prevent anyone going beyond the 60th Parallel with is a short distance before you get to the Antarctic ice wall this is  not to protect ice its to keep secret what is beyond. The globe model prevents anyone ever thinking of looking past Antarctica as on the globe there no where to go! These outer lands hold much riches, rivers of oil and species of animal unknown to us all of which they don't want you knowing about. There is also entrance to inner earth there other species of advanced life.

There is just one pole that's North with south being opposite and east west being to the left right of North. The reason for the powerful magnetic North pole is Mount Meru also known as the "Black Rock" a huge magnetic mountain right in the centre of a place that used to be known as Eden. The Northern most point that they refer to as the Arctic is in fact Hypaborea a mass of four lands that have gully's between them another place kept secret, the tides we experience is due to earth taking two in/out breaths per day, the breaths rush the sea in to these channelled/gullys between lands and in to the earth, it is what creates our in out tides. Its is said there are ancient cities of crystals there and advance human race. Believe it or not there is so much more than what I have just said as you will discover if you research... So as you can see to much not to open your eyes to as the truth is just mind blowing! #Hyperborea #magneticmountain #northpole #MountMeru #MountZion #BlackRock #RupesNigrea .
