Everything You Should Know About RootsMagic 9

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RootsMagic version 9 has many uniquely designed and enhanced features that enable users to get their tasks done more smoothly and faster than before.


Are you excited to hear the news? After much anticipation, RootsMagic 9 has finally been released by RootsMagic on February 27th, 2023! This genealogy software has quickly become a favorite among users in the UK due to its comprehensive and user-friendly nature. With over 100 report and chart creation options, and seamless integration with research sites, RootsMagic 9 offers a unique and powerful experience for users. The cost of RootsMagic 9 is $39.95, but if you are an existing user of RootsMagic, you can upgrade to RM 9 for only $29.95. RootsMagic has earned high praise in multiple reviews and articles, thanks to its easy-to-use and powerful features. In this article, you will find all the information you need to know about RootsMagic 9, and why it is one of the top-rated genealogy software options available.
