New WEF plan: With the blood test to the biometric, climate-neutral (!) Covid pass - for "travel, cinema and Co."
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is once again releasing its dystopian visions of the future. As part of its "Great Reset" agenda, it is advertising the biometric and digitized Covid passport, which should make its appearance in the Western industrialized countries starting this fall. The announcement probably also explains why suddenly in many countries the corona measures have been reversed to the "economy mode": in the background, the technical introduction of the total control is being worked on with great pressure and could well take until the end of the year.
With the blood test to the digital Covid passport
An app is to be used to make it possible for citizens who have been vaccinated against corona (presumably four to five times until then) to enjoy their "freedom" again, for example to travel or attend concerts. The "revolutionary innovation" from the point of view of the WEF: one has to give a blood sample beforehand and have it examined in a laboratory. Afterwards, one is sent a QR health code on one's smartphone. The blood test, according to the WEF, is taken to get a "certain result of 100%."
This "blood-based QR code" will become THE more central means of access and freedoms in the future. That it is extra emphasized that the "digital passport" does not have a tracking function (i.e. the ability to record data of movements), already sets off alarm bells. After all, why should one mention that extra when one carries that in one's shield anyway.
"Climate-neutral" travel only as "uncontaminated"
The digital, global health structure pursued by the WHO and WEF has as one of its goals that only "non-infected people" should be allowed to travel. By means of up-to-date data and access information, thanks to the scanned QR codes, countries can constantly record "epidemiological data" and react accordingly. For the "next Covid-19 outbreaks or other pandemics," according to the WEF.
But that is not enough: as already warned from many quarters, the monitoring technology in the context of the Corona pandemic will in future be used to educate people in the sense of the climate dictatorship. For the "Covid pass" must include a mandatory "carbon footprint meter." This will, in the future, prevent citizens from travelling around the world by airplane at will and from being able to do so: