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Tavistock Institute

The Tavistock Institute which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation is a research program involved in human behavior, social sciences, and psychology. Today the Tavistock Institute is covertly involved with social networking sites, alternative media, and conspiracy forums. The USAF and DARPA run covert programs on the internet using research developed from the Tavistock Institute and Tavistock Clinic. Their goal is mass manipulation of society through social networking and psychological torture on those researching "conspiracy" or the criminality of those in power. The word "Conspiracy Theorist" is a term these criminals created as a form of neuro-linguistic programming to automatically discredit those that research or investigate criminality. The Tavistock Clinic is stationed in London and is directly involved with the British government. The United States Department of Defense and intelligence agencies are infiltrated by British Crown knights and Freemasons serving the British Crown. To even mention the word "Tavistock" on a conspiracy site will get you banned almost immediately.

All major "Alternative Media" outlets are part of the FBI's COINTELPRO operation or similar agencies and programs intended to infiltrate political organizations in order to disrupt, subvert, and radicalize them. They operate as fishing nets drawing in opposition. The legitimate opposition that they cannot manipulate are targeted and persecuted. The government works with privatized organizations like Stratfor Intelligence which gather information on the legitimate opposition. These groups are then connected with secret societies who covertly carry out persecution for cash payment. Secret Societies use criminal style initiations to incorporate its members so that they can blackmail their members if they try to turn against them. Secret Societies are organized crime syndicates and include Jesuits, Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, fraternities, sororities and they work with less organized and official groups like Wiccan cults, and New Age cults. Organized religion is also involved including Christian Churches and especially the Church of Latter Day Saints.
