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The world is run by a vastly powerful and wealthy British-American-European oligarchy of banks, corporations and dynastic families and institutions, which controls much of the wealth of the world. This cabal dominates finance and commerce, manipulates national currencies and economies, controls the media of most nations, and commands the earth's resources. Their wealth and power originated in the middle ages and expanded over the centuries, and today they reign supreme.

Few people are aware of the power and global influence of these oligarchs because they dominate the major media. As a result, instead of informing us, the media feeds us a steady diet of entertainment, disinformation and lies - to distract us and misdirect us - so that the oligarchy can achieve its plan to dominate the globe.

We see the world through the lens of the major media - for most people that means television. Books, newspapers, magazines, radio, and the internet play a role, but the vast majority of people around the world get their information from television. And, if those who own the global media conglomerates, and those who run the television networks and cable channels, decide to feed us disinformation and lies that serve the agendas of those in control, then, instead of being told the truth, we will learn not about the real world, but about the world they wish us to see, one that will serve their plan for global control.

Unless we reach beyond the media matrix to find sources that tell us the truth, authoritarian world government run by this powerful oligarchy will become a reality, and we will all be proles in a George Orwell totalitarian world.
