Habsburg's Knights and Bankers
Karl von Habsburg is a politician, investment banker, businessman, Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Rome, and the Austrian Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The Habsburg family were the emperors of the Eastern Holy Roman Empire and they also ruled over most of Switzerland in the past. They lost their remaining territories in Austria and Hungary after the Nazi regime and are currently being propped up by Rome to lead in the imperial takeover agenda with the motivation of reclaiming their former reign. The Habsburg family have always served Rome as Knights of Malta. Today Eduard Habsburg-Lorraine is a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece and the Hungarian Ambassador to the Holy See and SMOM. Karl von Habsburg is now overseeing various Holy Roman princes like Landgrave Donatus of Hesse. The name Hesse has etymological connections with Hest which means in English to "command" and in Greek means "horse". The House of Hesse are imperial equestrians or knights that command armies and paid soldiers even to this day. Hessians were German mercenary soldiers that served the British Crown and even fought in the American Revolution on the side of the British. The Order of the Golden Fleece takes its name from Greek Mythology. The Golden Fleece was a prize of kingship offered to Jason and other false heroes to fight for their interests. The term "Man on the White Horse" refers to false heroes who seek fame and fortune. Alex Jones is a primary example of this as he pretends to be opposed to corruption while he works for them for money and fame. Schilling was the name of Austrian currency until the Euro and this is where the term shill comes from. They pay shills in the alternative media to promote lies and propaganda. Archduke Sigismund the Grand Duke of Tuscany is a Swiss banker and a top member of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine. The Habsburg family have broad influence and oversight in both east and west and that is what their double headed eagle represents.
Baron Benjamin de Rothschild is a French-Swiss banker and chairman of the Edmond de Rothschild Group and worth about 1.6 billion although he claims to be worth about 6 billion. His father Edmond Adolphe de Rothschild was a Knight of the Legion of Honour and he established their banking group. Baron Benjamin de Rothschild's great grandfather Edmond James de Rothschild was a Zionist who purchased large amounts of land in Palestine and helped to establish Israel. One of their subsidiaries Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild does a lot of business in Israel as well as in Europe, South America, and Asia. The Swiss Rothschild's that branched off from the French Rothschild family have been given the titles of barons and baronesses in Austria through Alice Charlotte von Rothschild who willed their estates to James de Rothschild the great uncle of Baron Benjamin de Rothschild. The Swiss Rothschild's hold Austrian titles and are serving the Habsburg family of Austria that once ruled over Switzerland. Benjamin de Rothschild's mother is Nadine de Rothschild born Nadine L'hopitalier and she was a Roman Catholic that converted to Judaism. She is an Austrian Baroness that owns a castle in Switzerland. The name L'hopitalier means hospital and this uncommon last name was established and taken by members of the Knights Hospitaller a branch of the Knights of Malta. The Swiss Rothschild's are the Court Factors for the House of Habsburg and fund their knights like those working for the House of Hesse. Edmund de Rothschild Group uses the lion for its logo similar to the Hesse and Habsburg lions. Mayer Amschel Rothschild was a Court Factor for Prince William I of Hesse. The Rothschild family originate from Frankfurt which is a German state of Hesse. The House of Habsburg have often used Jewish Court Factors through out history like Jacob Bassevi von Treuenberg, Joachim Edler von Popper, and Israel Edler von Honigsberg. The House of Habsurg is a wicked and ruthless imperialist family working closely with the Black Nobility through the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.