3 yrs - Translate

Introducing: This is Klaus Schwab with 3 of his WEF babies. Klaus Schwab had plans long before Cojona. Anyone can just find them on the Internet. The WEF, World Economic Forum. No conspiracy theories, but black and white to read. Plans worked out how we are increasingly losing our freedom and free choices.

The QR society. Every year new variants, fear propaganda, and without a green check mark soon no house to buy, no gas, no car, no job, benefits, never to go on vacation, no study. And they didn't have to try very hard. Within a few months, everyone was in line. You stopped visiting the elderly, stayed at home as much as possible. Kept a distance from your fellow man, even from your own blood relatives. I am so glad that the group of people worldwide is getting bigger and bigger and is penetrating the lies. People are not putting up with it anymore!

Time for a Revolution!
