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German 'internal security service' assesses corona demonstrators as state enemies

Once upon a time the German "Verfassungsschutz" was an authority, which itself prided itself on monitoring "right-wing extremists" and "left-wing extremists" and fighting them with secret service methods. Later it added the "Islamic extremism" created by the migration policy of the rulers themselves. Recently, however, no political or religious ideology is needed at all to bring up the controversial authority and motivate an accusation of extremism.

No, now it is enough to distrust the state and accuse it of failure to be sorted into a new category of "extremists." This is evident from public statements by Thomas Haldenwang (photo), probably the greatest opportunist ever to head the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

The man tells his political patrons exactly what they want to hear. About critics of the corona measures, who have been demonstrating for weeks and months, he says:

"They fundamentally reject our democratic state system."

And further:

"Whether it's corona or the refugee policy. Or the flood catastrophe: there, in part, one has seen the same people, trying to give the impression that the state would fail and do nothing for the people."

This means reasoning in reverse: according to Haldenwang, we are all obliged to assume that the state is functioning and (successfully) doing something for the people of the country. Cynics might ask whether that should seriously also apply to federal states such as Berlin and Bremen or whether exceptions may be made.

The only good thing about Haldenwang's statements is that the man thereby exposes himself, his authority and his principals to ridicule. Because in a true democracy, freedom of speech applies. And freedom of speech includes the good civil right to accuse the state and the political forces that carry it of failure. And if today's Germany were not a true democracy, what would it be?

Perhaps a dictatorship? Would not resistance to a dictatorship be expressly commanded even by the constitution? - Article 4, paragraph 4:

"Against anyone who undertakes to eliminate this order, all Germans have the right to resist, when other assistance is not possible."
