3 yrs - Translate

Evil is here, on our doorstep, it’s footing crossing the threshold and piercing the world we once knew, rearranging it to serve its means, instead of those of God’s, ⁣

It is inside the kitchen, boiling the rabbit that it will try and serve you for dinner later, telling you it’s chicken, and you will only realize later it was one of your pets that you ate. ⁣

It is in your bathroom medicine cabinet, switching out your pills with narcotics that will keep you drugged, in a trance, and it will look at you as you start slumping at the table, asking what’s wrong with you, there must be something wrong with you…you’re not mentally well at all. ⁣

“Let me take care of you,” Evil says, as it fluffs the bed and pillows that it will try to smother you with later. You feel a hard smack across your face, the sting of shame cutting you to the quick. You look up.

“It’s for your own good,” it says to you. ⁣

Yes. It is right. I deserved that, as you fade away and teeter to the bedroom, falling away. ⁣

You fight to stay awake, conscious, your intuition waving red flags, ⁣

“Wake up Ali!” ⁣

You hear a voice. ⁣


You awaken, your head burning from the fiery dance the pills have made in your brain, you open the bedroom window, you can hear Evil whistling something in the kitchen, and you stumble to the bathroom, steadying yourself against the walls…you lean over and splash cold water on your face, and you see your reflection, your KNOWING in the mirror, you see you—your purpose, your reason for creation and you immediately know in an instant that you have let Evil into your house and it has had its way with you. ⁣

You tear out of the house, scrambling for your life, branches scratching and tearing at your skin, frantically looking for safety where there appears to be none.⁣

And once you’ve calmed down, once you really understand what’s happened and who that really was, you vow to return and take back your power from them, but first, you have to learn how to stop gaslighting yourself.Ali zeck
