One thing alone is certain, that man's slavery grows and increases. Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it. And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man.
Influence, indoctrinate, engender and condition a degradation in people’s ability to discern truth and reality, and in most cases what results is a willing slave, happy in their servitude, living an illusion, unable to see the true condition they are living in.
When a government no longer serves the will of the people, it is the right and the duty of the people of that nation to lawfully rebel to set their government right and ensure the safety and future of their nation.
Together, if we can understand what is happening on the earth and open our eyes to actually see these hidden agendas of Satanism and Luciferianism, across all paths, we can unite to end human slavery for the future generations.
It is the abdication of our personal responsibility, from understanding that our complicity with "the system of control" in which we are "buying into" is what legitimizes it. We are the one's shining our lights into that dark world giving it life. We're the one's purchasing the story line and accepting it as a viable path. We're the one's investing our energy and lives into this graven image of reality.
Fear is the lifeblood of this fraudulent system. Where the war on terror, an imaginary virus or whatever other invisible enemy they can propagate to the masses becomes the catalyst for keeping humanity in a perpetual state of obedience to fuel the sadistic interests and egos of the psychopathic death cult.
Planet Earth, the open air prison planet of pathological obsession for dominance and control. A clown world of habitants that vote against their loving neighbours but bow down to the lowest forms of life in government, media and science institutions
“Historically, the most terrible things - war, genocide, and slavery - have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience.” ― Howard Zinn