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Inside the Vatican

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Inside the Vatican

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Leaked Trudeau Liberal Document

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made a harrowing revelation last week in a podcast by Canadian blogger Mikhaila Peterson. Kennedy explained why Big Pharma is in such a hurry to vaccinate children against Corona.

"If there is an urgent need to get 'vaccines' on the market as soon as possible, an emergency use authorization (EUA) can be granted, that's how they get preliminary approval. An EUA is only granted if there is no effective drug. Maybe that's why they are fighting Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin."

Not in the best interest of your children

"With an EMA, a vaccine manufacturer is completely immune from liability. If final approval is granted after two years, this legal "liability protection" expires. Unless the "vaccine" is also officially approved for children. Then the full legal liability protection applies again."

The mass administration of vaccinations to children during the EEA period is therefore in the interest of the pharmaceutical industry to enjoy full liability protection now. It is not in the interest of your children.

"They know that this vaccine will kill and harm a large number of children, but they have to do this to protect their liability," Kennedy said.

Video in article below

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. legt in 1 minuut uit waarom ze zo'n haast hebben om kinderen te vaccineren - Frontnieuws

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. legt in 1 minuut uit waarom ze zo'n haast hebben om kinderen te vaccineren - Frontnieuws

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. deed vorige week een schrijnende onthulling in een podcast van de Canadese blogger Mikhaila Peterson. Kennedy legde uit waarom Big Pharma zo’n haast heeft met het vaccineren van kinderen tegen Corona. “Als er een dri

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