Tribunal of Tyrants
The Roman Rota is the Roman Catholic Church's highest tribunal of judgement in society and they impose their oppressive and lawless rules onto anyone they declare as heretics. They are selected priests that operate as judges and auditors which claim to have the highest authority over all truths and morality. They work closely with the Zionist Sanhedrin in Israel and the Evangelical Council of Christian pastors. They operate under Canon law and think they have the right to know every single thing about a person and use Rome's massive intelligence network to gather information on those they have declared as heretics. Members of the Roman Rota are professional liars that are extremely ruthless and conniving. They are all false accusers and lying hypocrites also involved in framing their victims. Canon, Talmudic, and Shariah law systems are the same concept and used for condemnation on anyone who opposes their fascist regimes. If a person gets condemned under their secret court they issue and finance persecution which often leads to death or imprisonment. Persecution is carried out by paid members of secret societies. The United States is currently under Canon and Talmudic jurisdiction which is why most Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholic or Jewish. All Supreme Court justices are trained in either Canon law or Talmudic law. The British Crown and Israel manage Talmudic law which is covertly taught in law colleges like Yale and Harvard which were issued by the British Crown through Crown Colonies. The British royal family run Talmudic law in the United States and use it to persecute those they have declared as outlaws. The word Rota means a wheel or rotary. The House of Theodoli in Rome oversees the Roman Rota and have a wheel on their coat of arms. The Odescalchi family are also top authorities over the Roman Rota and produced members of this criminal tribunal. Maurice Monier is Pro-Dean of the Roman Rota today. Monier is similar to the Italian word Moneta which means money. Canon law judges involved in murder and persecution are paid very well to ruin the lives of others. Brett Kavanaugh is a Roman Catholic Supreme Court Justice that was educated at Jesuit Georetown. The Roman Catholic John Roberts is the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court and an adjunct professor at the Jesuit University of Georgetown.