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Shock! America admits: 'There are BIOLABS in Ukraine, we're worried the Russians are taking them over'
Victoria Nuland acknowledges that there are biological labs in Ukraine.

At the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine, some people were saying that there would be secret biolabs in Ukraine, run by/with America. These labs were said to have been "one of the reasons" for the Russian invasion.

This was dismissed as total madness. A conspiracy theory. Nonsense.

Then the Russians made this information public. And not a bit of it either. For they let it be known in official statements that the Americans and Ukrainians were together researching, among other things, "the plague" and other kinds of terrible viruses. As far as the Russians were concerned, therefore, the labs were actually laboratories for biological weapons.

That too was nonsense. Bullshit all of it.

Nuland: haha yes, those biolabs are a thingy though
Until now. Because suddenly Victoria Nuland - a senior US official - while addressing Congress admits that the labs do indeed exist and that she and her colleagues are "concerned" that the labs might fall into the hands of the Russians.

Say what?

"Ukraine has biological research facilities," Nuland told Senator Marco Rubio, "which, uh, we're actually pretty concerned right now that Russian forces are trying to get their hands on those facilities. So we're working with the Ukrainians on how to prevent this research material from falling into the hands of Russian soldiers."

"Extremely dangerous"
Unbelievably also briefly claimed that the research is basically, of course, extremely sweet and harmless, but no one is buying that anymore. And that's not surprising. An exclusive article by The National Pulse reveals that Barack Obama, in his time, led a project to set up a biological lab in the Ukraine that would have to work with "extremely dangerous pathogens.

The National Pulse bases this on, don't be alarmed, just an article that was once public. But guess what happened to it next? You won't believe it but... the article was taken offline. However, The National Pulse owns the piece and so could just run with it.

Moscow previously let it be known that this was a "military biological program" funded by the United States. The diseases involved? Plague, anthrax, cholera, and other deadly diseases. In addition, the Russians, they say, have evidence that the Ukrainian government has ordered the laboratories in question to destroy "the extremely dangerous pathogens" as quickly as possible now that the Russians are coming.

In short, the accusation that there are American biolabs in Ukraine is true. The report that the Russians seem to have the intention to occupy the labs is also true. And if we look at the information above, we can also conclude that the research is very dangerous indeed.

By the way, the reason Americans can be interested in running laboratories abroad is that dangerous research is prohibited in America itself. After all, accidents can just happen. That's not what the Yankees want.

Well, not on their own soil and among their own people.

video in article below

Schok! Amerika geeft toe: 'Er zijn BIOLABS in Oekraïne, we maken ons zorgen dat de Russen ze overnemen' - De Dagelijkse Standaard

Schok! Amerika geeft toe: 'Er zijn BIOLABS in Oekraïne, we maken ons zorgen dat de Russen ze overnemen' - De Dagelijkse Standaard

Amerika geeft nu toe dat er meerdere biolabs in Oekraïne zijn. Volgens Rusland wordt er gewerkt "met extreem gevaarlijke" ziektes zoals de pest en antrax.
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