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These Families Rule the World: The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO that run Rome and the Jesuit Order.
Membership list of the Black Nobility of Italy
Prince Stephen Lucchesi of campofranco
Count Charles Lucchesi-palli
Prince Nicolo Boncompagni-ludovisi
Prince Alexander of ludovisi
Prince Roffredo of Aragon-lovatelli
Prince Gelasius of Aragon-lovatelli
Prince Boniface Gaetani-of Aragon
Prince Vitaliano Xi Borromeo
Countess Beatrice Borromeo
Countess Matilde Borromeo
Count Carlo Fernando Borromeo
Count Carlo Borromeo II
Prince Fabrizio Massimo-brancaccio
Prince (????) Massimo-Brancaccio the father of Giacomo
Prince James Lion Massimo-brancaccio
Prince Stephen of roccasecca
Prince Cesare Massimo of roccasecca
Prince Carlo Massimo
Prince Valerio Massimo
Princess Barbara Massimo
Prince Philip Massimo-lancellotti
Count Stefano Massa of Sorrento
Count Sergio Massa of Sorrento
Baron Girolama de Massa and Giustiniani
Countess Beatrice Del Bono Venezze of Giustiniani-Venice
Count Vittorio of of giustiniani-Venice
Count Matteo Giustiniani of Sardi
Count Jacopo Giustiniani of Sardi
Prince Niccolo Giustiniani
Count Lion contini bonacossi
Count Alberto Passi de Preposulo
Count Gian Luca steps de preposulo
Baron Emilio Galli-Zugaro
Baron Fabrizio Galli-Zugaro
Baron Umberto Galli-Zugaro
Emperor Richard
Prince Rosario Imperial
Prince Camillo Aldobrandini
Prince Clement Aldobrandini
Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini-Rothschild
Countess Cristiania Agnelli Countess Brandolini of adda
Count Brandino Brandolini of adda
Count Ruy Brandolini of adda
Count Guido Brandolini of adda
Count Lando Cerretani-Bandinelli-paparoni
Count Ascanio Sforza-cesarini
Count Muzio Sforza-cesarini
Prince Giovanni Angelo Theodoli-Braschi
Princess Cosi Theodoli-Braschi
Prince William Giovanelli Marconi
John Torlonia
Marinus Torlonia
Prince Guido Torlonia
Count Alexander Lequio-torlonia
Leopold Torlonia
Count Manfredo de calboli
Prince-Pastor Piero Visconti
Prince-Pastor Alessandro Paradisi
Count Massimo Pierleoni
Princess Maria Camilla Pallavicini
Prince Moroello Diaz of victory pallavicini
Prince Sigieri Diaz of victory pallavicini
Prince Philip Rospigliosi
Prince Charles Odescalchi
Prince baldassare odescalchi
Princess Lucia odescalchi
Princess Sophia odescalchi
Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy and Prince of Naples
Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy and Prince of Venice
Princess Clotilde of Savoy and Princess of Venice
Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy
Princess Maria Beatrice of Savoy
Princess Maria Isabella of Savoy-Genoa
Prince Gilberto of Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga
White Bianca of Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzagaprince Amedeo of Savoy-Aosta
Prince Aimone of Savoy-Aosta
Princess Maria Cristina of Savoy-Aosta
Prince Hannibal Brivio Sforza
Princess Marta Brivio Sforza
Prince he ruspolii-Sforza
Princess Maria Pia ruspoli
Prince Francis
Princess Aubree
Princess Giorgia Pacelli
Prince Francesco Pacelli
Prince Filippo Pacelli
Prince Jonathan Doria-Pamphilj
Prince Prospero Column of stigliano
Prince Stephen Column of stigliano
Prince Prospero Column of paliano
Prince Marcantonio Column of paliano
Prince Ascanio Column of paliano
Prince Urban Riario Sforza-Barberini-Column of sciarra
Prince Odo column
Prince Raimondo Orsini
Prince Domenico Napoleon Orsini
Prince Girolamo Strozzi
Prince Maurizio Ferrante Gonzaga
Prince Corrado Gonzaga
Prince Filippo Corsini
Prince Duccio Corsini
Prince Lorenzo de medici
Prince Ottaviano de Medici
Prince Julian of medici
Prince Lorenzo de Medici
Alessandra Borghese
Prince Lorenzo Borghese
Prince Scipione Borghese
Prince Urban Bags
Prince Peter Lanza of scalea
Prince Joseph Lanza of scalea
Count Rocky Agusta
Baron Francesco
Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
Princess Beatrice of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
Prince Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies the Duke of Calabria
Prince Antoine of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma
Princess Maria Pia of Savoy-Bourbon-Parma
Prince Mario Chigi-Albani
Prince Flavio Chigi-Albani
Count Neri capponi
Count Sebastiano Capponi
Count Niccolo Capponi
Marquis of ongran
Prince Domenico Serlupi-Ottoboni
Prince Hector of Alexander of pescolanciano
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Gangsters, Jesuits, and the Twin Tower Gold Heist
It was mafia connected companies that got the contracts with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to clean up the debris after 9/11. Anthony Fontanetta and Mark Jakubek were executives at the Port Authority and found guilty of racketeering and bribery involving millions in stolen cash from federal aid for ground zero clean up. About 19 others plead guilty as well in this racketeering. The port authority has a history with organized crime however on 9/11 the Port Authority's records were destroyed because they were located in Tower 7. Owners of the construction company Peter Scalamandre & Sons were convicted of paying off members of the Lucchese crime family for labor racketeering prior to 9/11. Peter Scalamandre & Sons was later shut down working as sub contractors during the ground zero clean up. The major clean up companies used smaller contractors to carry out much of the work. Many of the smaller contractors like Peter Scalamandre & Sons were connected with the Italian Mafia. La Cosa Nostra has infiltrated business, politics, and police in New York City.
The major companies for the 9/11 clean up were the London AMEC subsidiary AMEC Construction, Bovis Lend Lease, Tully Construction and Turner Construction being funded with over 450 million for clean up. These larger companies used smaller sub contractors and many of these companies were tied with the Five Families and their associates. The subcontractors payments were in the range of 60 million of that 450 million in clean up aid. It is believed that about 63 million went to mafia connected construction and clean up companies. Salvatore Carucci is believed to be a Lucchese associate and is the owner of Seasons Contracting which received over 26 million for his company's clean up work. Allen Monchik who has been convicted of fraud worked as a consultant making calls hours after 9/11 to the port authority, asbetos companies and to mafia associates like former Lucchese boss Louis Daidone and mafia associate Noel Modica. The District Attorney's investigators tracked these calls while investigating corruption involved with these asbestos companies. Allan Monchik seemed to be the primary link for ground zero contracts with the Italian Mafia. The House of Savoy and the House of Windsor both knighted Rudy Giuliani the former Mayor of NYC. The Vallone family with Peter Vallone Sr, Peter Vallone Jr, and Paul Vallone of New York are all Fordham Jesuits and top members of the New York City Council with Peter Vallone Sr who was Majority Leader of the New York City Council until December of 2001.
On September 11, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld who was Jesuit educated from Georgetown ran the Department of Defense as Secretary of Defense, George Tenet who was also Jesuit educated from Georgetown ran the Central Intelligence Agency, and Michael Copps who was a Jesuit professor at Loyola University of New Orleans ran the Federal Communications Commission which regulates all broadcasting inside of the United States. The US armed forces, CIA, and FCC were all under the supervision of Jesuit alumni and professors. Viet Dinh wrote the Patriot Act and is a Professor at Georgetown. David Addington was Jesuit educated from Georgetown and he was an adviser to Cheney prior to 9/11 and then in 2005 was appointed as Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff. Robert Baer was Jesuit educated at Georgetown and worked for the CIA in the Middle East prior to 9/11 and stated that the professionals in the CIA couldn't have carried out of the plot on 9/11. The real theft on 9/11 goes back to Franklin D Roosevelt and his Executive Order 6102 which criminalized the ownership of gold in the United States and demanded all gold to be handed in under the threat of fines and imprisonment. This gold was covertly held underneath the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. On 9/11 William Joseph McDonough was President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and was Jesuit educated from Georgetown and he oversaw this theft. After 9/11 the gold was removed from the FRBNY under the disguise of ground zero debris. The gold was then shipped out through the Port Authority and sent to London and Rome.
Donald Rumsfeld ran the Department of Defense on September 11, 2001 and he was Jesuit educated from Georgetown.
George Tenet ran the Central Intelligence Agency on September 11. 2001 and was Jesuit educated from Georgetown.
Michael Copps ran the Federal Communications Commission on September 11, 2001 and was a Jesuit professor at Loyola of New Orleans.
Viet Dinh is a Professor at Jesuit Georgetown and he wrote the Patriot Act.
David Addington was Jesuit educated from Georgetown University and has worked for the CIA and as an adviser to Dick Cheney prior to 9/11 and likely right before and after 9/11 as well as becoming Chief of Staff to Dick Cheney in 2005.
Robert Baer is a CIA agent and was Jesuit educated at Georgetown. Robert Baer wrote in an article about 9/11 conspiracy theories that the CIA couldn't have been capable of orchestrating 9/11.