This is your future if you will not wake up and resist:
There will be a one-world government run by an oligarchy of banks, corporations and dynastic families. International institutions will replace nation-states as the centers of global power.
Cash will be outlawed. All financial transactions will be digital, allowing governments to control people financially.
Surveillance will be ubiquitous and privacy will end. Facial recognition, optical scanners and RFID chips will be the norm. CCTV cameras will be everywhere. ID cards will be required at all times.
Global population will be reduced by means of anti-fertility drugs imposed on targeted populations using GMO foods and vaccines to carry hormones that will prevent pregnancy, as well as sperm-kllling agents.
Political leaders will serve the global oligarchy by enforcing global laws and controlling their populations.
Authoritarianism will prevail. Totalitarian government will be the rule.
Welcome to the New World Order.