Making & Buying Colloidal Silver

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Information relating to the production & benefits of colloidal silver.

How Colloidal Silver kills


Colloidal Silver has to be one of the greatest discoveries ive made on a personal level, by chance good fortune I came across it around 2013 when I was looking for a new business idea I stumbled upon a video by the late Dr Robert Beck, an older gentleman that had used his own money to have all the details of his discovery made public.  He held a conference, invited all the leading medical names and let the cat out of the bag with regard to colloidal silver.  Basically and to summarise a 60 minute video he showed how using tap water, two wires a 9v battery how you could produce Colloidal silver.  He went explained that the secrets of silver had been lost aka buried in history, there was a time in the not too distant past before refrigerators Doctors.  Back in the day when the doctors were called "quacks" before our time when silver was used in most medication and a silver coin would be dropped in to a bucket of milk to keep it fresh so that it could be taken to market whatever the weather and sold, the silver in the coin prevented the milk spoiling.  I as author of this summery can vouch for this as I used it when a 2 pint milk would last me 6 weeks and of course even refrigerated milk would go off by that time, I would poured perhaps 5ml colloidal silver in to the milk and it would then last indefinitely I honestly cant say how long as it always lasted however long I needed it too.  Now at this point it is a good to mention for you to know that nothing natural can be "patented" £$ this is key to the deception, it was the accidental invention of penicillin that changed the course of medicine, a wealthy oil tycoon "Rockefeller" saw the opportunity to patent the newly discovered penicillin and to make the fortunes they have.   Rockefeller then also invested in medical schools where people could be "Trained" aka indoctrinated in to medicine to become "registered legit doctors" when they had learnt to treat illness with painted drugs pharmaceutical by controlling the schools he was able to teach exactly what he wanted, silver the benefits use of was then buried fear mongers put to work to discredit the use of silver, people have been so misinformed its beyond imagination.  You may have heard of the "Blue/Silver Man" 

Blue man 

sensationalised stories that colloidal silver could turn you blue I researched this in depth its beyond the scope of this write up to go deeply in to it other than to say total nonsense, if you could see the mynute amount of silver involved there's just no way there would be enough the story is actually very interesting different to what has been told. 

It is said that silver works in this way that 99% of harmful pathogen / bacteria is killed quickly by colloidal silver, these pathogens breath by producing an enzyme that can absorb oxygen and this is key, the presence of silver prevents the production of this enzyme which in turn literally suffocates the nasties within you instantly whilst the rest of you and your own cells and body are completely unaffected.  I don't have the equipment to research this however I can tell you silver isn't a little effective if its effective at all and it usually is its the Atom bomb to the nasties an instant killer to them all, myself, much or my family many of my friends regularly come to me for it, for me them its been a game changer I am rarely ever ill from one year to the next I stay well if I feel for one second I may have come in to contact or be coming down with something I take some silver immediately and that stops it in its tracks, as much as I like as you really cant over does its totally harmless to your own self and no side effects its criminal it has been discarded in favour of making a buck!  I would urge everyone to thoroughly research Colloidal Silver as its most definitely one of the hidden gems!  It had beyond a shadow of a doubt proved itself long ago to me, after the first couple of years I decided to go in to business and sell it, well I had professional labels printed up and invested in all the right equipment and bottles, I put a listing up on ebay one evening only to wake up to find my listing cancelled and a message from eBay to say "my listing had been removed at the governments request"! No reason just that, well i knew it was going to be a troubled road so I left it there I was grateful to have gained the knowledge for myself.


Ok so with regard to the silver I provide, I make it using full distilled water to ensure purity and small nano size silver particles as this is known to be the most effective, it can be made using tap water as Dr Beck says and it will work but tap water being so inconsistent I wanted to ensure quality so I use distilled water from my own distiller.

I use the highest grade silver with the highest purity .999 via 2 silver rods these have been purchased by myself from a leading silver bullion supplier here in the UK.

Silver is of course light sensitive and tarnishes especially pure silver so my Colloidal Silver is supplied in a brown UV protected bottle should always be store in the dark, if exposed to light the product remains effective but has a more tarnished metallic taste so not so palatable however can still be used just undesirable due to taste.

I will aim as soon as I can to post a video of my production procedure and equipment used, I have perfected this to suit over the time will provide all the information required to produce it yourself, I realise that's not usually done when you sell a product but its just not cost effective to ship internationally as im in the UK and I only aim to cover my costs and time when selling my own colloidal silver and not to make a profit.  Its a awesome game changer that has kept me and mine in good health either buy some or make some you wont be sorry you did.

Final word, I cant tell you how irritating it is to have searched colloidal silver online and to find so many mis-selling it!  One UK supply saying "Buy true amber colloidal silver" the best! blah blah blah  If he had told truth he would have said "We sell amber colloidal silver we produce this by heating the water we do this because it makes it faster due to the conductivity of water being more when heated, we know it doesn't taste as nice Dr Robert Beck made no mention of amber so its a little untested but its more about the buck for us faster is better"

Sellers have also been known to make it from silver nitrate which once again no good, I have also seen people make it incorrectly dangerously which is something I will talk about in the video I produce "making colloidal silver" its uses weren't only endless back in the day its awesome from everything from pets bad breath illness to toothache much more"
