3 yrs - Translate

To be on the road of "truth" simply means to be moving into higher awareness and fuller consciousness. Those of us born to this journey of enlightenment (in light I am meant and originally am), signed up for lives created soully for purpose or are mission based. Because of this, we have been planted everywhere to BE LIGHT Eminations and most importantly, truth energy sources, compassionate attunement, in a sea of chaos, destruction and disillusionment.

It's not an easy life. Masters aren't born to ease. Those who truly are mastering their lives, allowing our energies to be utilized for meaningful purpose, higher giving than most others, without ego, without self-pity, have embarked upon a path of aloneness, perseverance and, oftentimes, great suffering.

There is so much shadow... so many shades of grey misery... so much malevolent chaos and insanity, that our light and our trueness, our abiding perseverance is, without a doubt, vital.

They are the illuminati. Those WORSHIPING the light. Seeking the light that they can never have. The true light. The essential light. That which we emanate from our hearts and our core. So while they have their club called the illuminati, we are the enlighteners. The luminescence along with animals that are natural to us and ultimate truth. They too are luminance and bringer of compassion, grace and loves essence.

I know that this is a lonely road for many. Perseverance and tenacity matter very much especially once you awaken to a level of clear recognition of what is going on here and where we are at. When enough cognitive dissonance has cleared off of your vision so you can really see and begin asking the better and more fluid questions for truths awareness.

Thank you for stepping onto your path in these very difficult times. Let nothing persuade you off of it. Be willing to die on your feet, strong and unwavering but also willing to live, fully, eyes wide open, heart wide open, mind wide open, completing your purpose no matter the suffering you endure.

Rewards will come... after this life. But it shouldn't even matter. What matters is that you lived true and courageously in the face of unspeakable odds.

How glorious is that?

I think it's magnificent.

