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Diane von Furstenberg is close friends with the billionaire Oprah Winfrey. Oprah runs a large feminist cult in the United States and they violently attack women who don't submit to them with witchcraft and electronic weapons. Oprah is a violent psychopath and she murders children. Oprah is an extremely racist child murderer that is obsessed with cannibalizing white children's private parts. Oprah runs a cult of feminist women which are mostly white women and if white women don't submit to her she violently attacks them and tries to murder their children as sacrifices. Oprah works with Scientologists which have electronic weapons and they also use chemical warfare. Oprah specializes in causing asthma attacks on white children which she then cannibalizes. Oprah also physically murders trafficked children. Oprah molests children and then strangles them to death or sits on them until they suffocate. She responds to getting exposed as a child murderer by smiling and threatening to murder more children. Oprah is one of the most evil females on the planet. Oprah has murdered and cannibalized hundreds of children. Oprah is disgusting beast that needs to be executed immediately.
