Is Dubai safe for women living alone?

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Dubai, a vibrant metropolitan city has been ranked as the 2nd safest city in the world after Doha, Qatar. With that being said, Dubai is generally considered a safe city for women. Women even travel solo to Dubai without any fear. The crime rate in Dubai is low and therefore, it makes the environment even safer and more comfortable for women. The protection laws for women such as protection against Domestic Violence and Harassment, and the laws against gender discrimination are doing good for ensuring the safety of women’s rights. 

How Dubai is a safe place for women

Dubai is a safe place for women aspiring to live there or are already living there. 

Reasons why Dubai is a Safe Place for women living alone

Here are the reasons why Dubai is a safe place for women living alone.

  • Safety at the workplace for women
  • Separate compartments for women in public transport
  • Strict laws and penalties
  • Cultural norms
  • Secure residential areas
  • Helpful police are available 24/7

Safety at the workplace for women

UAE’s strict enforcement of the law of protection against gender discrimination and the laws against harassment in the workplace for women have ensured women’s safety in public spheres. Also, women have equal employment opportunities to men in the UAE. The law of equal pay for equal work makes it evident that women in UAE get enough pay and equal pay for the work they do equal to men.

Separate compartments for women in public transport

There are separate compartments for women in public transport. This makes women feel comfortable in public transport and thus, the acts of harassment are reported rarely.

Strict laws and penalties

The crime rate in Dubai is low. The reason is the strict enforcement of laws and severe punishments for breaking the laws. CCTV cameras are everywhere and therefore any act of crime is prone to be reported and investigated efficiently. 

Some of the laws that made the status of women’s safety more high are:

  • Protection against domestic violence and harassment law to protect women against domestic abuse, sexual violence, and harassment in homes, public places, transport, and workplaces.
  • Laws against gender discrimination are there to prevent any kind of violent behavior towards women and discrimination in employment opportunities as well as equal salaries for equal work.
  • Laws and opportunities for women entrepreneurs are there in UAE’s governance policies, to grant funding and loans to women wanting to build their start-ups and businesses.
  • Women’s organizations and resources are there in Dubai to help women who need assistance in their living. Dubai Women's Establishment, Dubai Women’s Association, and the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children are to name a few in this regard.

Cultural norms

Dubai has Islamic cultural norms. Women are treated with due respect in Islam. Therefore, the cultural norms of Islam allow women living in Dubai to live peacefully and independently.

Secure residential areas

The residential areas in Dubai are secure and properly monitored. CCTV cameras are everywhere allowing women to live peacefully.

24/7 Police availability

The Police are available 24 hours a week and are very helpful and efficient. This also contributes to women’s safe living in Dubai.

Precautions for women living alone in Dubai

  • Keep a keen eye on your surroundings.
  • Avoid looming around dark and lonesome places. 
  • Choose a safe neighbourhood for your living.
  • Choose safe means of transportation and reputable cab-driver services.

How a Safe Driver UAE can help women feel secure 

Choosing Safe Driver UAE can be a viable option for women if they want to travel solely in Dubai or any city of UAE. A Safe Driver of Safe Driver UAE will ensure that you feel comfortable throughout your journey from the point of your pick-up to your drop off location. Safe Driver UAE is a reputable and reliable Safe Driver service.

Women can enjoy the following services of Safe Driver UAE and bring safety, peace and comfortability in their lives:

  • After party pick ups to reach home safely
  • Attend official meetings and events with grace.
  • Can avail of the service of sending and picking up your car from the garage after repairs and maintenance
  • Air-port pick ups in case you are returning from somewhere or are a foreign national woman and want to visit Dubai with ease and peace.
  • You can hire a Personal Safe Driver for a month if you want to
  • You can also avail of a customised service.

Safe Driver UAE aims to make your travel experience joyous and relaxed. It is becoming the top priority of most of the women living in the UAE. Overall, Dubai is one of the safest places for women to live and grow on the planet.
