How and when did World of Dance get cancelled?

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‘World of Dance’ was a show that was eagerly followed by a largely interest audience; dancers put on their best and showcased their talents in this television show, a dance competition.

'World of Dance’ was a show that was eagerly followed by a largely interest audience; dancers put on their best and showcased their talents in this television show, a dance competition. This show however, was later on pulled off air by NBC after four good seasons had run through. This decision left fans wondering as to why such a loved and successful show was taken off the air.

What are the Reasons for Cancellation?

There were various factors that led to the cancellation of “Why Was World Of Dance Cancelled” 

  1. First, the show is a reality television series whose viewership had reduced over time. At the start of the show’s run, it received great reception and the latter seasons had lower viewership statistics. This decline made it problematic for the competitions sponsors to explain to their funding source where the extensive amount of money required to run a competition of such magnitude was going.
  2. The second factor was socio-political change in particular television and entertainment. The increasing competition for TV shows’ viewership has been realized with the introduction of the stay-at-home streaming services. ‘World of Dance’ had to contend with lots of other shows as well as contents regarding dance on socially accessible platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Netflix on which the audience could find different and more rapturous variance of dance contents with more sense of immediacy.
  3. Furthermore, the COVID-19 outbreak also presented some problems for many television programs, such as “World of Dance.” The restrictions necessary while filming television shows would most likely have amplified the show’s production issues, which might help explain why it was cancelled.

Impact and Legacy

In general, even though it was cancelled, the improvisational reality competition show, “World of Dance,” did provide substantial contributions to the world of dance. The show was enlightening, coming to a worldwide stage where everyone all over could dance regardless of their type of dancing or their origin. This inclusion of minorities enabled dancers from dissimilar forms such as hip hop, contemporary, ballroom, etc., to perform on global stage. Most of the show contestants became famous across the country and they begun to perform and practice dance and other entertaining disciplines as a career. From the exposure they got, they were often able to secure jobs with professional dance companies, music videos, and concerts, and occasionally even film or television.


The cancellation of “World of Dance” is due to the continuing decline of live audiences, the tight competition from streaming platforms, and the practical limitations raised by the pandemic. Hearing has come to, but it cannot be denied that it brought so much change and growth to the dancing world, and of course, it helped in making dance popular as an art form. The show did not only help give a platform to many great dancers but was also responsible for creating the next generation of fans and dancers for the show, thus making sure that the show’s existence was more than just the episodes that were aired.
