What to Expect During and After a Hair Transplant Procedure

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Hair loss can be awful, resulting in a drop in self-confidence and esteem.

For those considering hair transplant in Mumbai, it’s paramount to find out what the procedure involves. There are other treatments available to treat hair loss, but hair transplant surgery is becoming a more common option for people trying to restore their hairline. In this blog post, we’ll go over everything one should know about what to expect during and after a hair transplant procedure. This will help one make the right choice.

How to Prepare for The Hair Transplant Procedure?

  • First and foremost, patients should communicate with their surgeon about their goals, medical history, and expectations for the hair transplant.
  • The surgeon will physically examine the scalp and hair to determine the level of hair loss and the best treatment approach.
  • In addition, patients should quit smoking and avoid alcohol and certain medications that can raise the risk of bleeding.
  • The surgeon may also advise patients to avoid using certain vitamins or herbal therapies, which can interfere with the healing process.
  • Patients should dress comfortably and loosely for the surgery and bring any personal items they may require, such as a hat or sunglasses.
  • Before the procedure, the surgeon will discuss the surgery’s objectives and assess the patient’s hair loss pattern. The surgeon will also evaluate the patient’s age, hair texture, and strand thickness while determining the best course of treatment.

What Happens After the Procedure?

  • Patients who have undergone the surgery may experience swelling, irritation, and slight pain in the scalp.
  • The surgeon will give one instruction on how to care for the scalp, including how to clean the hair and when to start taking pain medication.
  • Patients should avoid heavy activity for at least a week after the operation.
  • Patients should expect some shedding of the transplanted hair in the first few weeks, as this is a normal part of the process. After a few months, the transplanted hair will start to grow, and patients will see significant results within six to nine months.

Visit Best Hair Transplant Clinic

The surgeon will provide detailed pre-and-post-care guidelines that will ensure maximum safety and deliver great outcomes. One can consult the top hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Sumit Agarwal, at Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic, the best hair transplant clinic in Mumbai. The doctor uses advanced techniques like FUE, FUT, BIO-FUE, and many more. Pay a visit now!
