Mastering Good API Design Principles

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API design principles are models for building strong connections in a digital world where APIs bridge gaps between systems. This article strips down the complexity of API design to present you with the tried-and-true principles that ensure functionality, reliability, and ease of use. Learn

Make a secure REST API
In the world of RESTAPI and web services, we are immediately faced with important security tasks. Cyber threats are everywhere, so the security of REST apis is critical. The aim is to allow only authorized users to perform actions by adopting strong authentication and authorization procedures.
The implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol provides a secure channel for our (blockchain API) communication. In addition, monitoring and recording API activity helps protect, identify, and prevent potential threats.
Authentication protocol
The question arises - how can we allow only legitimate users to access the fortress? Token-based authentication protocols provide a solution. These protocols act like secret handshakes that only authorized users know about. Among them, the JSON Web Token (JWT) is a popular choice, used as a passport to verify user identity and secure fortress (API endpoint) access.
However, these passports are short-lived, reducing the risk window for unauthorized access. Thus, the combination of the JWT and its short-lived nature formed a strong defense against invading forces.
Encryption standard
Then, we explore encryption, a key strategy in our security toolkit. Transport Layer Security (TLS) encrypts data transfers between clients and servers and protects blockchain API communication.
An API gateway is a protective mask that provides features such as TLS or Bidirectional TLS (mTLS) and is critical to enabling encryption. These encryption standards resemble a cryptic language that only users can understand, ensuring the secure exchange of information and thwarting any attempts to intercept their communications.
Processing sensitive data
To ensure the secure transmission of sensitive information, the following measures should be taken:
Use HTTPS to encrypt data during transmission
Avoid including sensitive data in the URL to prevent exposure
Encrypt server logs and caches to protect sensitive information
Set the cache control header to manage the cache of sensitive information
By implementing these measures, you can effectively protect sensitive data and ensure secure access to data in your blockchain API.
The gateway of the fortress acts as a strong protective layer, filtering out suspicious requests before they reach the blockchain API. At the same time, Web application firewalls (WAFs) protect against DDoS attacks and other malicious traffic. By implementing these measures, we ensure that our crown jewel - sensitive data - is well protected.
Design intuitive endpoints and paths
A well-structured API architecture focuses on the technical aspects of design, enabling an efficient, secure, and user-friendly environment. This includes clear identification (resource naming), direct routing (HTTP methods), and a well-structured hierarchy (nested resources).
Resource naming convention
For user-friendly apis, use a complex number for a collection of resources (e.g. /users) and a singular noun for a single resource (e.g. /users/123). This makes the blockchain API intuitive and easy to understand.
Clear API navigation: Naming rules
Collection: Complex: Use complex numbers to represent resource groups (for example, /products).
Subcollections: Hierarchy: Name subcollections to show their position within the main collection (for example, /products/categories).
Readability: Delimiting words with hyphens (e.g. / order details).
This ensures a clear "label" of the API, making it user-friendly.
HTTP methods and operations
Standard HTTP methods are essential for performing CRUD operations in RESTful apis, similar to the way well-defined procedures guide operations. These methods are:
Create (POST): Create a new resource.
GET Retrieves a resource or collection of resources.
Update (PUT/PATCH): Updates the resource (PUT replaces the entire resource, PATCH updates a specific part).
Delete: Deletes a resource.
When designing endpoint URIs, use clear, noun-based paths that reflect entities, and HTTP methods (rather than URIs) define operations on resources. Alighting HTTP methods with their intended CRUD operations helps provide consumers with intuitive and predictable blockchain API interactions.
Build nested resources
In our application, there are many parts, each with a different role. Similarly, in blockchain API design, nested or related resources must have a structured hierarchy to facilitate collaboration and minimize the level of depth. Nested resources should be handled using hierarchical URIs that reflect their relationship to individual resources, allowing intuitive data access and manipulation.
However, when designing nested resources, you must avoid excessive URL lengths, redundant endpoints, and unnecessary database queries, which can complicate and reduce the efficiency of the blockchain API. Nested resources should be used sparingly to maintain an efficient, scalable, and easy-to-use API. As a result, a well-structured fortress allows for efficient movement and collaboration between users.
