iVebo Blog Articles

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An introduction to "Blog Articles" & guidelines for members. Blog articles are public & do not require login to view when accessed via the sharable link which will always begin https://ivebo.co.uk/read-blog/

iVebo Blog Article's Guidelines


Users can create more formatted posts using a simple "WYSIWYG" (what you see is what you get) editor and post to Blog/Article's to better display information. "Blog Articles" are public and therefore outside of the iVebo members login meaning anyone can visit a blog article without needing to register/login to iVebo. Articles are also very well indexed as public blogs are included in the iVebo sitemap along with associated subtitle description keywords. Tags entered should have no spaces i.e. yourkeywords which will be converted to #yourkeywords to form a searchable#hashtag link. (No spaces between words with hashtags)

iVebo is foremostly an uncensored platform, as such a broad range of topics are permitted however for "legal" reasons we must restrict certain items.

General guidelines are.

Restricted items or services:

  • No nudity or explicit / pornographic content.
  • No escort or adult agencies
  • No "man made" illegal drugs or counterfeit goods or currency. *(Natural occurring ("drugs" / "compounds") that are permitted in your country are allowed but please ensure if your article is a sales page that goods are only sold shipped to permitted counties. Basic non sales information on restricted items is permitted as information pages only providing they do not imply the sale of that item together with no sales links)
  • No cloned cards or unauthorized duplicated items.
  • No firearms or weaponry
  • No covidrelated promotions or services.
  • No pandemic promotions or services.
  • No vaccination promotions or services be they for human or animals. This includes pet veterinary vaccinations.
  • No duplicated or repeated content.

Articles posted outside these guidelines will result in deletion so please don't, we hope to be able to continue to offer all aspects of iVebo without charge so keeping up standards will help achieve that, thank you.

Any suggestion you have be they site improvement or category requests are warmly welcomed.

Welcome to iVebo.co.uk


Users are able to create more formatted posts using

a simple "WYSIWYG" editor and post to Blog/Article's.

Users can insert pre-written HTML using the "Tools""code source" tab or use the provided HTML editor.


What ever tags you choose will become searchable "#hashtags" providing there is no space between your keywords or phrase i.e "yourkeywordorwords" will automatically become searchable as "#yourkeywordorwords" so if your product was "luxury Caribbean all inclusive holidays" then your tags might be: "luxuryholidays" , "holidays" , "allinclusiveholidays" , "caribbeanholidays" , "caribbeanallinclusive" basically search terms somebody may use when searching for a product or service like yours, you decide the tag it will then be searchable across the site using search term "#yourchosenwordorwords". On of the tags for this sample blog is "help" meaning you can search for "#help" from the top search bar and retrieve this blog. Enter your tags without the hash "#"



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