2 yrs - Translate

Governments will always be tyrannical, but the average people of countries and the world are a different story, the majority of us just want to live in peace and freedom in harmony with one another.
It is the governments that want wars and hate and death and destruction.
A message to people in general...
Please don't be a Jingoistic Statist Warmonger.
I don't want to hurt/kill any Russians...
and I don't think they want to do me harm either...
Nor do I wish the Ukrainians harm...only PEACE.
This young lady is a talented Russian...I have NO desire to kill her for she has done me no harm.
Please investigate the message of VOLUNTARYISM and contrast and compare it to what governments want and do.
Worth pondering and sharing...
From @Benu Gerd:

"That's 'only' the civilian victims who were murdered and died from intentionally induced famines and plagues (262,000,00. Not even counting the millions of soldiers fed to cannons in the numerous wars.
And both intentional famine and war are once again being rolled out on a more horrific scale than ever before in history.
This winter in Europe could be the first taste of further famines, the hard part will probably come in the second half of next year when the last reserves are exhausted, while deaths and miscarriages due to the poison injections will probably increase even more.
No energy - no heating - no fertiliser - no food - disrupted supply chains - empty shelves - weakened immune systems....
The protests are still 'civilised'; peaceful and orderly. This is likely to change next autumn at the latest, when the fridges will be empty, the flats cold and the unemployment figures massively increased.
Plundering and angry masses - martial law - violent suppression of violent uprisings are to be feared.
Or, and when I look at the stockholmed normals, many will simply fade away apathetically.
I hope I am wrong."

I too hope to be wrong as all I wish for is PEACE and there can be no PEACE without FREEDOM.

“Wars are seldom caused by spontaneous hatreds between people, for peoples in general are too ignorant of one another to have grievances and too indifferent to what goes on beyond their borders to plan conquests. They must be urged to slaughter by politicians who know how to alarm them.” (H.L. Mencken)
