Referring to Baron David Ward Affitdavit:
"Case Overview
What the Government would like people to believe, is that a procedural impropriety is an acceptable mistake that can be overlooked.
But the truth is, that it is a deliberate act of ‘fraud and malfeasance’ in a public office.
These are very serious crimes with criminal ‘intent’.
The definition of fraud is…’a deliberate action to defraud where the victim of the crime is unaware having no knowledge of a situation
or fact’.
This crime caries a penalty of 7 to 10 years incarceration and the latter; where there are multiple instances. 63.5 million people are subject to this crime everyday on a multitude level, as it is now commonplace and is carried out by the largest
and most ruthless criminal company in this country.
This same company is also a Public office with the enforcement to execute this crime, which is inclusive of but not limited to: - The
office of the Police, The office of the Judiciary, Local Government and central Government. Independent Bailiff and Debt Collection
companies are also ‘licensed’ by the same company.
Malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance are also very severe crimes with a period of incarceration of life in prison.
Malfeasance is a deliberate act, with criminal intent to defraud and ignorance is no defence. Malfeasance that has been defined by
appellate courts in other jurisdictions as:
A wrongful act which the actor has no legal right to do
An act for which there is no authority or warrant of law
An act, which a person ought not to do. An act which is wholly wrongful and unlawful; as that which an officer has no authority to do and is positively wrong or
unlawful; and as the unjust performance of some act which the party performing it has no legal right.
Crimes of this nature cannot go unpunished. If crime goes unpunished then the criminal will undertake the action again and again. When the criminal is rewarded for the crimes by their peers and superiors, it then becomes difficult to know that a crime has been committed in the first place. However, it is everyone’s obligation to be fully conversant with their actions, and the consequences of
their actions in every situation."I was just following orders” or “I was just doing my Job” is no excuse!
When the full extent of these crimes is realised, it then becomes blatantly obvious that these crimes are deliberate and in full
knowledge if not by the lower subordinates but defiantly by the Executive Officers of the company.
The cost to us to victims of these crimes has been estimated to be in the region of £4,037.25 trillion over the past 35 years. This is the
cost to the people of this small country, which is far in excess by many times the global GDP.
The simplicity of this case is very often overlooked as it involves a simple PCN…the Penalty Charge Notice.
It is important to note here that the Appellant at a tribunal did not challenge the PCN, or the Traffic Management Act 2004. What the
appellant did, was to remove from jurisdiction the very foundation to any claim made under any Act or Statute of Parliament.
All of which have the same legal dependency that has never been fulfilled in nearly 800 years.
There are in excess of 8 million Act’s and Statutes in this country alone and it is estimated that around 8 thousand pieces of legislation
are written and implemented every year.
None of which can be acted upon without the legal authority to do so. To act upon these same Act’s and Statutes without the legal
authority to do so is malfeasance in a Public office and fraud at the very least.
This case was undertaken at a tribunal and therefore became a valid recognised due process that undeniably confirms this to be the
facts of the matter."