Author: Gorgi Shepentulevski
Posted: 2/February/2021
Tartarian Sound Healing w/ 432 Hz Music
Tartarian masters knew that Sound bypasses the conscious mind and goes directly to all parts of the body, all cells and DNA receptors of the body, thus creating instantaneous biological effect, and if the sound is harmonic, body's reaction will be instantaneous healing.
Today, Sound is being used as a weapon!
There are 9 core creative frequencies to the universe, as a mathematical construct. We now know that there is a perfect circle of sound. We now know from NASA recording that the Sun is actually beaming with 528Hz as kind of a central sound frequency within it, and that among those 9 core creator frequencies we find the original musical scale.
There is Good & Evil in Universe and Evil is part of nature, part of what God has created and it is actually the frequency 741, which in fact is resonating in the A 440Hz standard tuning in the Western World music. So we are actually listening to a frequency in all of the World music, Western World that vibrates to the tone that vibrates in dissidents to 526Hz, (love, miracles).
The current western musical standard (440 Hz A) was institutionalized by the Rockefeller Foundation and Joseph Goebbels. In 1939 Sound frequencies can affect cellular structure/DNA.
440Hz A standard tuning in music that the whole Worlds is listening to, it is suppressing the 528 C, as being the "holy" scale of God, it is suppressing the hearth chakra, everything down from the throat chakra down is suppressed and everything up from the throat chakra is stimulated, including the left brain, egoic mind, the reasonable rational mind of science plays on, and this is the major factor for science to become like a new God imposed on the planet superficially.
The tunes which the western World is based on do not include the sacred tones of 528Hz C.
The original Solfeggios notes were 393, 497, 528 (miracle six), 639 and then 741. The 741 note, that’s the fifth note, is at sharp when you tune to A440Hz, the standard tuning. 741 is the exact equivalent to as sharp. In musicology, the interval between 528 and 741, virtually between love and virtually fear and dissidents, is called THE DEVILS TONE 741Hz note! In musicology, or the devils interval, when you play these two notes together, it causes such tremendous stress that you don’t want to listen to it. It is really dissident. And that’s strange because 528 love frequencies virtually harmonize with everything except that.
So then what you are left with realizing is that 741 is part of nature, is part of the original musical scale, but it is in dissidents to love, which leaves us as readers of the book of 528 realizing that evil is part of the matrix of Universal design, and we the people have to chose as our choice which direction we will take, as we are blessed with freedom of choice which the Creator has given us, by standing up and say NO to evil and to our oppressors.
So, tune into Tartarian Sound Healing Music for rejuvenation, reconnection and reawakening with this Tartarian masterpiece!