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YES! Social Mainstream Media apps I "never" install! The "Truth Social" app I installed immediately this past Monday! A great app!

Sharp headwind for the mainstream: storming Trump´s "Truth Social" app

Already viewed more than 1.5 billion times in the App Store!

From now on, the social mainstream should dress warmly and take into account that it is losing millions of users with its censorship of the truth. For former US President Donald Trump has kept his promise: his truth app "Truth Social" is on the App Store and was downright stormed in just a few days: 1.5 billion people have viewed the application since Tuesday morning. It came to a congestion, more than 410,000 people ended up on a waiting list. Until the end of March the App is still running in a kind of "test phase", after that it will be fully deployable, at least in the US.

Currently in the US and for Apple

"Truth Social" is currently only available for Apple platforms. When it will get there for Android devices is unclear. Users outside of the US also have to wait, but the app was made available to them as well. "Truth Social" is currently the absolute number one free Apps, as data proves. Follow Truth, it says on the accompanying website truthsocial.com.

"Truth Social" is a "big tent," a media platform that encourages open, free and honest exchange, without discrimination against any political ideology. The App is being stormed. For many, this meant, "Due to huge demand, you are on the waiting list - we love you and you are not just a number to us."

Slam against the mainstream

Trump used to have tens of millions of followers on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, who one by one blocked his account. Trump announced his "truth app" and has not used another platform since. Neither Gab, nor Parler, nor MeWe or Gettr, where his former spokesman Jason Miller is president. After the blocking of Trump's accounts, criticism rained down on the large technology corporations and their increasingly crass censorship of ideologically charged topics.

For example, with the U.S. elections in 2020 or with Covid-19 and the erroneously named "vaccine" gene technology treatments. In addition to Trump's account, other accounts of conservative politicians were deleted. Also of personalities, who openly criticized the Covid-19 syringes, such as the former journalist of the New York Times, Alex Berenson, or the co-developer of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone.

Wealthy investors

Behind "Truth Social" is the Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG). This is run by former Republican Congressman Davin Nunes. Nunes had announced the launch of the app on Fox News last Sunday. TMTG plans to go public via a merger with the Digital World Acquisition corp (DWAC) on the New York Stock Exchange, which as it stands will raise about $293 million, which DWAC holds in a trust foundation - provided that no DWAC shareholders return their shares, a press release from TMTG dated October 21, 2021 states.

In addition, TMTG received $1 billion in committed funding in December from private investors, who consider themselves champions of free speech and hope to draw critical users from Twiter, Facebook and YouTube.

Trump conglomerate: end for censorship culture

TMTG's website makes it clear what the group stands for: a united force for free speech - no political discrimination, the end for "censorship culture," standing firm against Big Tech. There you can also find a trailer about "Truth Social"-App. Under "vision" it says, among other things: in the year 2021, the media pendulum has shifted dangerously far to the left. Silicon Valley, mainstream media and Big Tech are violently silencing voices that don't fit their "woke" ideology....

And the criticism of the technology giants continues, "They don't just censor content - they control what can be said and what can't... so they also control the narrative. They control the future. They control you." Trump is taking a stand against this movement with TMTG. Thus, the playing field should become more balanced and people should be able to share and compose content on an open media platform without fear of having their good name smeared.


Scharfer Gegenwind für Mainstream: User-Ansturm auf Trumps "Truth Social"-App - Wochenblick.at

Scharfer Gegenwind für Mainstream: User-Ansturm auf Trumps "Truth Social"-App - Wochenblick.at

Der Soziale Mainstream muss sich ab jetzt warm anziehen und damit rechnen, dass er mit seiner Wahrheits-Zensur Millionen User verliert. Denn Ex-US-Präsident