The energies are shifting on planet earth, the leaders are going awkward, clumsy, impatient and "crazy". The Illuminati, evil manifested ones (reptilian rulers) will not have the energy at their disposal to do as they please for evil purposes, they won't be able to hold their appearance completely. The bible has a reference to two standing in a field, one is taken and the other is left behind. Does this support the belief that there will be an evacuation of part of humanity by space ships? In this case, the reference could be applied to a faith in the creative process and to coming into alignment with the expansive self-contemplative flow of energy that births each soul expression into manifested experience. The presence of an energy cycle called the photon belt is circulating. It has been reported as being seen as a doughnut shaped energy field near the Pleiades star system. When that alignment reaches a degree of compatibility that allows for a transition to higher dimensional experience, the transfer can be completed during the life experience. It "can" but it is a rare happening when the planetary whole is vibrating at the present rate. It has been a long time since that has taken place, contrary to some circulating stories.
This is not to say that some blending experiences have not happened. Insofar as massive space ship removals of humans from this planet, as has been circulated, contemplate 6 billion plus beings and consider how many ships with facilities for them this would take and the answer is obvious. If humanity, experiencing as they are now, were transferred to another planet, there would be two planets in trouble instead of just one.
Each and every being on this planet came with the purpose of bringing the situation here into alignment with the cosmic plan of freewill experience leading to balance. That constitutes a lot of intention. That intention is there to be tapped in order to bring this situation to completion. When humanity, or at least a significant portion of it, can go through this situation and heal it themselves, then and only then can they move through their intention to come into balance. In the greater picture of each soul’s evolvement, none would choose to be rescued. The energies that will be encountered in the approach to and passage into what you refer to as the photon belt will not be the same as are being experienced now.
The last of the current polarity cycle is reaching its completion. Here again it is difficult to put into linear terms for your understanding processes that are of a holographic nature. Within a holographic framework, all is interactive within a cooperative format.