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Omicron is NOT a pathogen > it’s a Millimeter-Wave.

The Italian Dr. Dominico BISCARDI; announced a few weeks ago that the so-called Omicron variant is not a pathogen but a radiation attack in the form of millimeter waves.

Incidentally, the English Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced; that the so-called Omicron variant in November/December as wave(s). Well. Accidentally?

Dr. Biscardi explained in early January how the Omicron variant descends on unsuspecting people at night and infects them; even when they’re asleep at home; behind closed doors and thick concrete walls

How does it fo this? > Omicron is not a variant but a biological reaction to radiation.
.........Why does it come at night? > When they measured the levels of radiation; they found that the levels at night; were up to 15 times higher than the legal limit. The time between 2 - 4 am; being the particularly significant time of night; when these levels tended to be higher; due to the fact that Internet Traffic is significantly less because people are usually in bed and sleeping peacefully at that time.

So; Omicron is effecting peoples health during the night! It doesn't matter if you hide in the house because Omicron is not a pathogen; it’s a microwave > millimeter > Extremely-High-Frequency-Wave. Which means that it can travel through; pretty much anything; even solid brick walls or closed doors wouldn’t be an obstacle for it.

For those that have been vxxcinated:

• As the jabs have Grap/hene Ox/ide in them; Omi/cron finds the right substance in your body to extend and amplify its frequency, which can initially cause nausea and diarrhoea; followed by: fever, visual disturbances, headache, disorientation and memory loss.

• Why do you have to cough? Because the body is trying to get rid the of Grap/hene Ox/ide in your body and does so through the lungs. This is why FLUIMUCIL works in k0bid therapy. In other words, NAC, Acetylcysteine, (which are the active ingredients in Fluimucil).

• You may feel a lot of discomfort in the light and probably experience tinnitus too…(intense reactions to sound) especially if you live near Telecommunication/ 5G Towers.

• At the level of the epidermis; you may experience redness, itching, burning, shingles, psoriasis, twitching in certain places and even tremors.

So to reiterate; Omicron is not experienced through contamination but RADIATION

In Spain; they announced that Omicron will be released on December 24th. They knew exactly when it's was coming…. because it was at a push of a button!!!

Conspiracy Activity around this issue:

Dr. Biscardi was found dead in his home shortly after making this information public. He was said to have reported his discovery to the European Commission beforehand! At the same time; the President of the European Commission: David Sassoli was also found dead. He had applauded the findings of Biscardi and wanted to make it known; that Omicron was not a pathogen but a Radiation Attack brought on by teh contents of the jabs; reacting with the High-Freqency-Waves ..from 5G.

How to protect yourself:

• Turn off routers Devices & Routers > use Copper Plates or wrap them in Aluminum Foil or Faraday Cloths.
• Do not take paracetamol > it is an antagonist of glutathione and glutathione breaks down graphene oxide. †
• Take melatonin because it is a protective radium. †
• Take zinc and vitamins C, D3 & E. (Take plenty of vitamins C and D3).
• Take Berberine & Hawthorne Capsules (possibly Aspirin in an emergency if you could not get hold of the natural supplements just recommended) ..to thin the blood > As Blood-Clotting is the most dangerous side effect.

Source > https://canal7salta.com/.../om....icron-no-es-una-vari > Canal 7 Salta

OMICRON no es una variante, sino una irradiación, una onda milimétrica - Canal 7 Salta

OMICRON no es una variante, sino una irradiación, una onda milimétrica - Canal 7 Salta

Ahora cuento cómo la variante Omicrón llega de noche y ataca a los desprevenidos, infectándolos a pesar de estar en casa durmiendo al abrigo de muros y puertas cerradas. El Omicrón no es una variante, sino una irradiación. Como de hecho todo lo relac