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Freemasonry refers to building or constructing. Freemasonry is about constructing elements in society intended for control over populations. Masons build mind control programs involving religion, politics, philosophy, and entertainment. A Masonic program is called a temple and many temples house idols like religious leaders, teachers, politicians, and entertainers. Masonic-Conscious temples are constructed through geometric vibrations. Words and sounds generate vibrations and vibrations have mathematical properties. Most music and movie producers are trained in masonry. A person who follows a Masonic program is absorbing these vibrations into their mind. The temple in anatomy refers to the sides of the temporal lobe. When a person dreams or uses their imaginations the thoughts get densified into visuals in their temporal lobes. When people communicate, learn, and absorb information normally there is little natural architecture that clogs, blocks, or trances the mind. Masonic temples are built on deceit and designed to create interferences. Freemasons specialize in building their deceptions with structural integrity. They are also using electronics to enhance these vibrations. Freemasons and other occultic organizations use masonic codes like numbers, symbols, and phrases to communicate information with each other. Groups like the Rosicrucian Order and Hermetic Order are similar but emphasize more on chemical manipulation of the human psyche and physiology. Jesuits are masonic. The Royal Institute and Royal Society are scientific secret societies in the UK and they have masonic and occultic origins. If they can design a lie with mathematical precision then they consider the lie to be truth. Most people in society that have high level influences in politics, media, education, entertainment, and religion are trained in a form of masonry.

Freemasonry has ancient origins and various forms were used in all the ancient civilizations and empires. Ancient Freemasonry primarily originated in ancient Egypt and this is why Freemasons use pyramids in their symbols. Modernized Freemasonry was developed through various groups including the Roman Catholic Church, Order of Malta, Knights Templar, Royal Knighthoods and Stonemason Guilds. Various secret societies use the same corrupt knowledge and techniques as Freemasonry does. The Order of Malta is a masonic organization that uses a Grand Master and degrees of initiations just like Freemasonry. Royal knighthoods are masonic orders. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is the oldest knighthood on the planet originating on the island of Malta and was authorized by the Pope of Rome. The Library of Alexandria was developed by the Greco-Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty and was used to collect and monopolize knowledge and scripts in the ancient world. They used force and pay offs to gather written knowledge and then Julius Caesar moved the scripts before intentionally burning down the library. This was a strategic plot carried out by the imperial bloodlines to covertly monopolize information and cover up their secrets. During the Crusades the Knights Templar discovered some of this left over Kabbalistic-Masonic knowledge through the Order of Al-Hashashin also called the Assassins. The Assassins obtained their knowledge from Solomon’s Temple. Rome shut down the Knights Templar to try and stop their competitors before they got too big. The Knights Templar were later reformatted into the Order of the Garter, Sacred Constantinian Military Order of Saint George and Order of Montesa.

The knowledge of Freemasonry is about deception and mind control. There are various Masonic divisions and groups and it’s all intermixed today. Kabbalah is also a form of masonry and sorcery and it too is generally a dumbed down version compared to the occult knowledge that the royal and noble families possess. Grand Masters have the most knowledge and grant teachings through initiations or degrees. To the non sociopathic members initiations are mostly ceremonial however those who prove their criminality and psychopathy are granted their real teachings. The purpose of Freemasonry is mind control. Scottish Rite Freemasonry is the head of all Freemasonic orders which does not include Masonic type organizations like the Order of Malta, Order of the Holy Sepulchre, and Order of the Garter. Prince Edward the Duke of Kent is the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England with Prince William as a hidden back up along with former Grand Master Marquess Spencer Compton. Prince Michael of Kent is the Grand Master of the Mark Master Masons. Most Grand Masters are also members of the military. Freemasons are a militarized group. The Scottish Peers specialize in Freemasonry with Prince Charles of Wales and Duke of Rothesay Scotland as the true head of the Scottish Rite. Prince Andrew the Duke of York runs the York Rite. Prince Filippo Rospigliosi the Earl of Newburgh Scotland is a top Freemason more trained than Prince Charles and is an and agent of Rome. Scottish Rite Freemasonry controls the Grand Orient of Italy headquartered in Rome with Grand Master Stefano Bisi as a mediator between the British Crown’s Freemasonry and the Vatican which work together.

The Stuart, Sinclair or St. Clair, Hamilton, Campbell, Macdonald, Orr-Ewing, and Bruce clans are high level Scottish nobility and involved with managing the Grand Lodge of Scotland. William St Clair of Roslin was the first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Viscount John Archibald Sinclair of Thurso is a top member of the Sinclair clan and a politician in the UK. Nigel Sinclair is a Knight of the British Empire and Hollywood producer. Baron Godfrey Macdonald is the head of the Macdonald clan and his father was a former Scottish Grand Master Mason. The Stuart family of England, Scotland, and Ireland oversee Freemasonry for the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Several Stuarts have been Knights of Malta. Randolph Stewart of Galloway was a former Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. In the 18th century James Stuart of Moray was the Scottish Grand Master. Douglas Grey is the current Grand Master in of the Grand Lodge of Ireland. Baron Randal Plunkett of Dunsany is a high level Freemason. The Abercorn and FitzGerald families have been Grand Masters in Ireland and are headed up today by James Hamilton, 5th Duke of Abercorn and Maurice FitzGerald, 9th Duke of Leinster. Joseph Morrow is the head of the Lyon Court in Scotland and a former Grand Master. Archibald Donald Orr-Ewing, 6th Baronet was a Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and both his father and grandfathers were also Grand Masters. His son is Alastair Frederick Archibald Orr-Ewing. Andrew Bruce of Elgin was a former Grand Master and his sons are Charles Edward Bruce, Adam Bruce, and Alexander Bruce. Merlin Hay of Erroll is Lord High Constable of Scotland which is a top authority among Scottish nobility. Freemasons are foreign agents and a cult of Luciferians working for the royal and noble families. There are thousands of masonic lodges in the United States which need to be shut down.
