3 yrs - Translate

I was asked if I think we can end this peacefully or if there will be civil war?
I have no doubt in my mind there will be civil war in every nation against the crime syndicate called government.
The peaceful protests simply tell the government how many know about the Agenda and who are willing to fight for their freedom.
This time in history is much different than the last 200 years in warfare. The psychopath bloodlines have all kinds of silent weapons of mass destruction, bio weapons and they have infiltrated every nation with terrorists. It's foolish to believe there won't be violence.
We don't live in the "Golden Age" of enlightened beings. Are you kidding me? You can bet your ass people will be defending their lives from anyone who believes in this filthy rotten system to which there are many.
The Convid narrative is collapsing but they were just getting started with that! The psychopath bloodlines have more moves on the chessboard than people can even fathom.
It is urgent that the people unite in their nations, get their minds right, become self reliant and build strong communities wherever they live. There's going to be a lot of people fleeing from the cities. They just don't know it yet.Dedee Carson
