Do people UNDERSTAND that the bloodlines DO NOT CARE what they exterminate on the surface of the earth. They have built underground cities throughout the ages on slave tax money. They can live down there forever! Their henchmen have bunkers. The bloodlines have underground cities so if you think they give a rats ass about LIFE on the surface of this planet, you are wrong!
They have killed civilization before then resurface to do it all over again. They have children in cages in their underground cities to begin another slave plantation cycle. How do you THINK these bloodlines have maintained their power and control for 6,000 years? Don't you THINK they should all be dead after what they have done over and over again?
They escaped Rome in underground tunnels and began their reign of terror in Europe calling themselves Kings and Queens and that God appointed them the sovereign to rule over the people. When the people had enough and revolted against the Monarchy, the demons once again escaped to their underground life then resurfaced and set up their piss marks called government and control ALL governments in the shadows! The Black Nobility of Rome is alive and well laughing at how easy they have it on earth controlling their human cattle slaves.