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Psychological Warfare

The Tavistock Institute along with intelligence agencies including the Jesuits have developed advanced psychological tactics used on their opposition. Many of their tactics are based on the Art of War by Sun Tzu. Niccolo Machiavelli based a lot his works on the Art of War and was a top tactician for the Black Nobility. The Black Nobility and other royal families are at war with humanity whether people choose to believe it or accept it.
-Lying with confidence to help manifest their intended goal. This uses the placebo effect. Bold lies.
-Pretending they are always in control and even in control of the things that hurt or damage them or their agenda. Fake omnipotence.
-Hijacking all forms of opposition and shutting out the legitimate opposition while promoting their fake opposition.
-Confusion by mixing the truth with lies in all things. Babble.
-Using known liars to say truthful things as an attempt to discredit the truth and facts. Form of reverse psychology.
-Reverse psychology. Using known corruption that pretend to be opposed to their false opposition,
-Declaring victory especially when they are losing. Maintain their morale and damage the morale of their enemy. "Winning"
-Feigned Retreat. Pretending to be defeated to lure an enemy into a trap.
-Deceiving their own minions so that their false belief gives more power to the lies.
-Compartmentalization and diversification. This creates layers of illusion for the top rulers to hide behind.
-Creating distractions.
-Subversion. Pretending to agree with truthful facts and truthful people and then adding on lies to what they agree.
-Using lies and illusions to attempt to associate their opposition with them or with criminals. Framing people.
-Isolating their enemies through persecution and gang stalking. They isolate their victims and then target them in large groups. They call this tactic the "Abomination of Desolation"
-Divide and conquer. When they are vulnerable they create division and conflict to take attention off of themselves. They use this tactic to cause civil wars.
-Problem Reaction Solution. Create a conflict knowing the likely response and provide the solution. Premeditation.
-Covering up their own deaths.
-Faking their own deaths.
