2 yrs - Translate

To the average person that ignores and laughs at "conspiracy theorists", this post is for you...

The establishment has divided us into groups through manipulation. This happened because you listened to their lies and complied us into this position

You did that out of good intentions. The establishment knew you would comply because of this, which is exactly why they weaponized fear and your virtue against you...

They used you to create division and to carry out their depopulation agenda... It's what tyrants always do, did you learn history at school...?

There are now thousands of doctors/scientists across the world that are trying to warn the world to what's happening. The evidence of this fraud is now MONUMENTAL. The truth isn't hidden, your ignorance, silence and obedience is the problem

We research and share the evidence they provide but you ignore it... We're trying to educate you and warn you of the danger like they are...

Because of your obedience to the government and media, because of your dismissal, ignorance and mockery, a lot of the "conspiracy theorist" group don't care about your outcome anymore. They tried to warn you and they feel like you're all a lost cause...

Not me though. I don't quit so easily...

Many will continue to laugh at and ignore my posts and now it will be from both sides...

But guess what, I don't give a shit! I'm still here and I'm not going to stay quiet... ever...

You can say or think whatever you want. I don't give a flying fuck about what you think of me, because I speak the fucking truth!

Do you ever ask yourself why we carry on?

Why we never shut up?

What's in it for us "conspiracy theorists" when we constantly get mocked and ignored...?

Why would we carry on otherwise...???

Do you think I do this because I enjoy it...???

Humanity needs to wake the fuck up or things are going to get REALLY ugly soon...

I've been getting ready for their planned agenda for 20 years, so you best think again if you think I'm giving up and staying quiet!

I'm never getting that injection, EVER. You best accept it and stop supporting the big pharma funded media propaganda that is driving genocide and medical apartheid. Stop listening to it and supporting it right now.. today...

Stop wearing masks, getting tested and getting jabbed or shit IS going to get real...

Over my dead body am I having that shit. The only shot I'll be having is a bullet to the face from order follower scum if the people of this planet allow this situation to carry on...

They don't scare me in the slightest, your compliance is what's scary...

You have the power, not them...

You think this current stage is fear? Wait until shit starts getting real if you do nothing to help expose it. Then you'll know what REAL fear is...

Why are you giving up?
Why are you not saying anything?
Why are you letting these psychopaths carry on?

You best rise, unite with people, stop remaining silent and start giving a damn about the world you live in before the shit hits the fan...

If you allow this to continue, they'll announce global martial law. That's what will happen if you keep following the media and don't help to expose the truth...

Don't say you weren't warned...

We're all one human family and the people that divide us have names and addresses...

Stop listening to them and join us!

Gain some courage, stop worrying about social disapproval and get to work. Other people will support you...

One love
