3 yrs - Translate

So... The World Is Changing.

There's a battle going on, a WAR between the Globalists and the People. The Globalists Plan is to reduce the number of People on The Earth by approx 95%. The Globalists want to be seen as GODS by the small percentage of People who will be allowed to live. Those People will be forced to obey and worship the GODS (Globalists).

Some People desire to be free from the unjustified demands of the Globalists. They want to be able to live in peace with each other and in harmony with nature. They want to live, raise their children, be healthy, happy and to thrive and prosper.

Most People have no desire to be Billionaires or Trillionaires (like some Globalists are). And they have no natural desire to hate or kill each other. Most People are compassionate, caring and loving, unlike the Globalists.

The Globalists CREATE and emphasize, through MEDIA, divisions between the People, that would naturally not exist. People are divided into unnatural GROUPS through Religion, Skin Colour, Financial Status. Left vs Right, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Older Generations vs Younger Generations, Level of Education, the Fearful vs the Courageous, Mask Wearers vs Non-Mask Wearers and so on.

People are paid to indoctrinate others through "news" media and "education" systems. People are used and often paid by the Globalists through mind control methods (programming - key words (triggers), ideology, etc) to point their fingers at, agitate, and blame each other for the state of our world today, Globalists stir the pot and People walk into the trap(s) that have been set by the Globalists, forgetting, or not knowing who has been organizing and leading the People into those traps. This is where Political Puppets fit in.

Rather than take a serious look at the situation and learn who and what is behind the upheaval, constant wars and suffering, the People blame each other, which gives the Globalists and their Puppets even more Power and Control over the People.

I don't know what the outcome of this Global BATTLE will be. All I know is that some will awaken, some will arise and speak up, some will remain complicit and silent, many will suffer or die, some will question, others will remain in their obedient state of slumber, there may be freedom, there may be permanent enslavement. We all have a choice to make
