When we don't unite against corrupted power, we are all alone in the end, as we let things continue because we don't have each other's backs to stand up against it. Our silence ensures the powerful can do what they want as they please. People are afraid of being targeted and few stand together, with everyone being alone in the end to let things continue as they are.
The way for the dominators and controllers to stop their ways, to stop being empowered and ruling over others, is for others to stop them. We need to speak, act, and stand up, if we want to change anything in life. Passivity, being quiet, not speaking up about an issue, is not doing anything either. Speaking is an action. Truth doesn't speak for itself. We have to speak truth into existence to create change.
It's time for you to take note of the source and realize your own potential and it's time for all of us to stand together and address the root cause of the problem.